
🟢⚫ Stop the Extradition of Martin McCauley!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland condems in the strongest terms the Free State decision to extradite Veteran Irish Republican Martin McCauley to the Occupied 6 Counties on the orders of British Imperialism.

The Extradition of this Armagh Republican is just the latest in a line line of preservation and harassment against Martin by British Imperialiam. When Martin was just 19, British terrorists in Ireland attempted to kill him and did kill his friend, 17 year old Michael Tighe, in a shoot to kill operation ordered at the highest levels of the British Establishment.

The Extradition of Martin McCauley is part of an ongoing British strategy of waging a low intensity war against Irish Republicans. One of the Colombia Three, the British plan to extradite Martin is part of a wider plan that will see them extradite him to Colombia were the state are seeking him all alledging that he was involved in the training guerillas from the FARC revolutionary movement. Therefore any Extradition of Martin McCauley places his life in direct danger and is a complete abuse of his human rights.

In ordering the extradition of Martin McCauley, the Free State is showing it’s slavish semi colonial subservience to British Imperialiam. That it would sink to the low of putting the life of an Irish Citizen I direct danger to please their Imperialist masters is shameful and completely unacceptable.

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland calls for All Republicans to raise their voices in support of Martin McCauley and demand that the Extradition case against him is dropped. Republicans must stand up and hold the Free State to account for its complicity in British Imperialisms ongoing war in Ireland.

Stop the Extradition of Martin McCauley!

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