
🟢⚫ Britain/NATO Out Of Ireland: Campaign Activism Across the Country

In recent weeks members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland have been coordinating activism across the country promoting Irish National Liberation. The Britain/NATO out of Ireland campaign highlights that in today’s fight for Irish Freedom, Republicans must lead the Irish People in Combatting and Resisting British, European and North American Imperialism. Britain continues it’s military occupation […]



March 8th first began as a day of struggle against imperialism. Organised by revolutionary socialists, women across the world marched for equality and liberation, against poverty and war. Today, March 8th has been stripped of its radical roots. Instead, it is turned into a celebration of the few women who make it to the top […]


Republican Victory against RUC and British Normalisation In Ireland!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has stated the decision to move policing meetings in the Occupied 6 counties to a solely online format following protests by Republican Organisations is a great victory for all Irish Republicans and a significant defeat for the British Occupation. A Spokesperson for the Socialist Republican Organisation said, ‘Having been confronted with […]


International Working Women’s Day

An opinion piece by a Republican Activist in the importance of International Working Women’s Day in the ongoing fight for Women’s Liberation On March 8th, 2025, people worldwide may pause to recognise International Working Women’s Day, a day meant to celebrate women’s achievements and advocate for gender equality. Is it ridiculous that in 2025, we […]


Earth to Dust

By Seán Doyle ‘Spring is Dawning’ 17/2/2025 Whenever you fall, from your first step to your last, you will come to me, did you make your world, or did it make you? Obviously, the world you are born into, from the cradle would be influential. Remember that world order you are born into, honestly has […]


🟢⚫ All Ireland Actions Against Internment and Extradition

Over the past week, Republican Activists across Ireland have taken part in coordinated activism against the ongoing internment and extradition of Irish Republicans. AIA members in all four provinces have been on the streets, engaging with the public and highlighting the campaign. The following is a report from the activism across the country. Derry, Occupied […]


🟢⚫ Teastaíonn Radacachas Chun an Ghaeilge a slánú!

Le linn ciorrú mór ag Stormont agus Teach Laighean ar infheistíocht sa Gaeilge i láthair na huaire, chuaigh breis agus 40 grúpa Gaeilge & Gaeltachta ar stailc leath-lae. Gan an t-airgid seo ar fháil, is dócha go mbeidh ar roinnt eagrúcháin a dhoirse a dúnadh. Caillfear postana agus acmhainn tábhachtaí i bpobail ar fud na […]


🟢⚫Colonial Administration Condemns Republicans!

Following the series of successful Republican protests confronting the RUC/PSNI and their facilitators in the Community, Britain’s Colonial Administrators in Occupied Ireland have condemned the Republican Activists involved. In issuing a condemnation against legitimate Republican protests, Carál Ní Chuilín and Sinn Féin are demonstrating beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are part and […]


🟢⚫ Republicans Stand Against RUC Terrorists!

Recent weeks have seen a very welcome and renewed Republican campaign against the presence of Britain’s Colonial Militia in Communities. The current campaign got underway with anti-RUC/PSNI posters and stickers from a number of groups which raised the anger of the Brits and their Colonial Administration in Ireland. This was followed by a protest organised […]


The Reality of Imperialist Occupation in Ireland

A Critical Look at the RUC and the British Regime by an Irish Republican Activist. The violence and harassment perpetrated by members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), an armed paramilitary force operating under the British government, serve as a grim reminder of the enduring and oppressive imperialist occupation in Ireland. Despite the rhetoric of […]


Sinn Féin Shamed Into White House Boycott!

! For Republicans across Ireland it has been sickening this week to hear Mary Lou McDonald and Michelle O’Neill attempt to take the moral high ground on their u-turn on the White House Patrick’s Day event. Far from a principled boycott of US imperialism, the truth is Sinn Féin has been shamed into taking this […]



I mbliana, mar an bhliain seo cáite, tá fógraíocht á dhéanamh ag AirBnB do “Seachtain na Gaeilge” ar roinnt tithe sa Gaeltacht. Deirtear gur mbealach í seo taithí a fháil leis an gcultúr agus leis an dteanga. I ndáiríre, is cúis mór le laghdú na Gaeltachta an géarchéim tithíochta, ina bhfuil tionchar uafásach ag AirBnB. […]


🟢⚫ ‘Build a Mass Republican Campaign Against RUC/PSNI!’- AIA

In recent months, the potential for broader Republican cooperation has been shown from the work being carried out by several Republican organisations to highlight issues around Republican POWs and in the Campaign against the Internment and Extradition of Irish Republicans. AIA is proud to be playing out role in this work and committed to continuing […]


🟢⚫ Free State Administration ‘Force Building’ for NATO- Say No!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is calling on the Irish People to continue their overwhelming opposition and resistance to the presence of NATO in Ireland, as the Free State Administration continues its underhanded tactics to bring the 26 counties into NATO by the back door. This week it has emerged that the Free State have hired […]