
Increased British Military Activity in Occupied Ireland

#OccupiedIreland #BritsOut In recent weeks, AIA has been highlighting low flying British army lynx helicopters in Derry to intimidate and harass the local community.

Yesterday, RAF Typhoon Warplanes were used in a very similar low flying excessive over Republican communities in Antrim, South Down and East Tyrone. When complaints have been made the official response from the forces of occupation is that they are ‘training exercises’.

Britain is still using Ireland as a training ground for its terrorists. It is surely no coincidence that they areas these exercise took place above are traditional Republican heartlands were the resistance against the illegal British occupation of Ireland remains the strongest.

These harassment operations demonstrate that Britain remains at war in Ireland against the Republican community. Britain has no right to be in Ireland or to engage in any form of military operation on our country.

Popular resistance against the British occupation of Ireland must be built across the country, and a Mass Revolutionary Republican movement that can successfully defeat imperialism in Ireland must be built. AIA is working every day to build that resistance and to bring such a movement about.

If you are reading this and you haven’t already applied to join our ranks then do so today. Be a Patriot- It’s your Duty- Join the Resistance Now!

Britain Get Out of Ireland- Saor Éire Anois!🇮🇪

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