
Wexford Republicans Remove and Burn Butchers Apron

Wexford Anti-Imperialist Action activists rip down and burn the Butchers Apron. Activists from AIA in South Wexford were told by members of the public that Wexford Fox and Hare hunters had erected a Union Jack in the locality to welcome British Imperialist hunters to Wexford County. The Anti-Imperialist activists located the symbol of British oppression […]


Bodenstown Oration 2024

The following is the main oration delivered at the annual Wolfe Tone Commemoration at Bodenstown, organised by the Revolutionary Irish Socialist Republican Movement on Sunday July 7, 2024. A Chairde is a gcomrádaithe, Táimid anseo san relig bodenstown ag an iaomh ár nathair, Wolfe Tone agus aimid ag rá go bhfuil an gluaisteacht a búnu […]


Bodenstown: Annual Wolfe tone Commemoration Held in Kildare

On Sunday July 7, the Annual Wolfe Tone Commemoration organised by the Revolutionary Socialist Republican Movement saw Republicans from across Ireland assemble in Bodenstown Cemetery Outside Sallins in County Kildare. Led by the Socialist Republican Colour Party, representing the Four Provinces of Ireland and the continuity of the Republican struggle from the days of Wolfe […]


The Letter They Refused to Print- Boycott Westminster!

As part of AIA’s Boycott Westminster Campaign, the following letter was submitted to a number of corporate media outlets in the Occupied Six Counties outlining the basis of the Boycott Campaign. In an act of blatant censorship, The Irish News, the Belfast Media Group, the Belfast Telegraph and the Newsletter all refused to print it. […]


Full Support for Protesting Republican POWs!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends our full solidarity and support to the protesting Republican Prisoners in Maghaberry and Portlaoise Prisons tonight. Following the refusal of the MI5 led prison regime in Maghaberry to engage with Republican prisoners in relation to a prisoner being placed on the boards, the POWs have again refused to lock up […]


Trotskyism and Westminster Elections.

•A Socialist Republican presents their analysis of Irish Trotskyites committing to take their seats in Westminster if elected• Socialist Republicans should repudiate the recent behaviour of members of the “left” political party People Before Profit, which has already attracted some criticism from various other organisations. Over the last week, People Before Profit representatives have gone […]


Support Republican POWs!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends our full solidarity to the Republican Prisoners on Roe 3&4 in Maghaberry Prison, British Occupied Ireland tonight as they refuse to be locked up. The IRPWA has said that the POWs have taken this protest action after a Republican Prisoner returning from hospital was subjected to abuse in the x-Ray […]


Renewal of Special Courts shows there is nothing normal about the Free State

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has condemned the Free State for its renewal once again of its emergency powers and in particular the use of Special Courts. Speaking from Dublin, a spokesperson for the Socialist Republican Organisation said, ‘The renewal of Emergency Powers and Special courts shows the world that there is nothing normal about the […]


Stop the Extradition of All Irish Republicans!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland condemn the arrest and dragging before an extradition court this week of Irish Republican Jim Donegan (Cavan). Donegan is accused of alleged involvement in an IRA operation in 1979 in Armagh during which a British Soldier with the UDR was killed. The British also want to charge Donegan with possession of […]


Wexford Socialist Republicans condemn attack on I.R.A. memorial

Anti-Imperialist Action in New Ross unequivocally condemn the mindless vandalism attack on the Irish Republican Army memorial in St Stephens Cemetery in Irishtown. The community in New Ross hold the memorial to the IRA’s South Wexford Brigade in their hearts and are very proud of the men and women from the area who stood in […]


Free State Shows Its True Position on Women

AIA condemn the Free State Army and judiciary for letting off their soldier Cathal Crotty with scarcely a slap on the wrist following the vicious assault on Natasha O’Brien and beating her within an inch of her life, in no just society would he be left to walk the streets. Since 1922, the Free State […]


British Army on Streets of Newry

This image shows the British Army and their colonial militia on the streets of Newry, Occupied Ireland yesterday, as they responded to a ‘security alert’. The cause of the ongoing conflict is the continued British Imperialist Occupation of 6 Irish Counties. The Irish People are entitled by right to National Self Determination, that can only […]


AIA Supports Ardoyne- No Orange Marches!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends our Solidarity to the People of Ardoyne and North Belfast following the announcement the the Orange Order has applied for a unwanted and unwelcome parade through the area at 6.30pm on the 12th of July. The Orange Order is a sectarian, fascist organisation that restricts its membership on the basis […]


Boycott Westminster- Resist British Rule!

In an August 1969 Statement, right at the beginning of the ongoing phase of the fight for National Liberation, the leadership of the Republican Movement asserted that, ‘There is no salvation for the six counties… through Westminster. Strengthening Britian’s hold on the north is not the way to a Free, United Ireland.’ With this simple […]