
🟢⚫ Free State Administration ‘Force Building’ for NATO- Say No!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is calling on the Irish People to continue their overwhelming opposition and resistance to the presence of NATO in Ireland, as the Free State Administration continues its underhanded tactics to bring the 26 counties into NATO by the back door.

This week it has emerged that the Free State have hired a US Government security and defence agency, based at the Pentagon, the US Military headquarters, to oversee the ‘upgrading and modernisation’ of the Free State Military.

The Free State Administration has confirmed that it is working with the Institute of Security Governance on ‘force design’ across its Army, Navy and Air Corps and that the US Imperialist body has already met with the hierarchy of the Free State Air Corps.

A spokesperson for Anti Imperialist Action Ireland said, “The role of US security and defence organisations in Ireland is to ensure our country is serving the interests of Imperialism. One of the key Imperialist objectives in Ireland in the current conditions, is to bring all 32 counties of our country into NATO. While the quislings in Leinster House will deny it, the current cooperation between the Free State and US Imperialism on so called ‘force building’ is designed bring the Free State Military up to scratch with requirements for joining NATO.

A further key requirement for the Free State to join the serve their Imperialist masters and join its terrorist organisation is an increase in spending for the Military Budget. We only have to listen to the Free State Mouthpieces such as Michaél Martin, Simon Harris or Jennifer Carroll McNeill to see that this aspect of the project is well underway.”

The spokesperson continued, “Ireland is already under a hostile occupation by NATO. British Imperialiam, a key player in NATO maintains the forced partition of Ireland and a direct military occupation of 6 Irish Counties. NATO supports and plays a key role in this illegal occupation.

Through secret agreement between the Brits and their puppets in Leinster House, the British Military is responsible for the policing of Irish airspace and our waters, a fact AIA has been highlighting since we were established in 2017. US imperialism is also in continuous Occupation of Shannon Airport, where since 2001 it has had a forward operations base and has recently begun using Aldergrove Airport in Occupied Ireland for its Imperialist operations in the Middle East. This is despite the Irish People repeatedly demonstrating their overwhelming opposition to the presence of NATO in our Country and our Opposition to Imperialist wars.”

The Spokesperson continued, ‘The Irish People are entitled to national self determination and Sovereignty by right. The presence of NATO in any part of Ireland, be it through the British Occupation, the US presence or the underhanded tactics from Leinster House to bring NATO through the back door, are a denial of that right, a continued usurpation of Irish democracy and a crime against the Irish People. The fight against NATO in Ireland is a key part of our fight for National Liberation and establishing Irish Freedom and Sovereignty.”

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is calling on all Republicans and other progressives to work together to build the resistance against NATO across the 32 Counties. Now is the key time to highlight the role of NATO in the ongoing occupation of Ireland and the exploration of our people and to develop a mass community based campaign against the presence of NATO in Ireland.

Do not stand by and let our Children become the cannonfodder of Imperialism- say No to NATO now and Resist!

Britain/NATO Out of Ireland!

Saor Éire Anois- An Phoblacht Abú!

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