
Earth to Dust

By Seán Doyle

‘Spring is Dawning’ 17/2/2025

Whenever you fall, from your first step to your last, you will come to me, did you make your world, or did it make you? Obviously, the world you are born into, from the cradle would be influential. Remember that world order you are born into, honestly has no time, tolerance, or appreciation for communal wellbeing, quite the opposite.

Political power is only maintained through electoral dependency, this is achieved by a cynical exercise, namely underfinancing, which causes huge division among people’s dependence and undermines people’s confidence in collective living. The wilful strategy of underfinancing creates the desired direction you are being conditioned to embrace, when social conditions and wellbeing diminishes.

You are now open to the false premise that personal wealth is the ultimate happiness, waging wars costing trillions and mass human annihilation, much is squandered in this pursuit. A fraction of this wealth could alleviate so much misery and poverty and give children throughout the world a future. If you could only broaden your mind and see the true value, I’m sure most would realise fulfilment is in the joy and power, real power is in human preservation.

Your childhood was imaginative, creative and full of possibilities, running around in bare feet and the earth oozing between your little toes, picking it up as you filtered it through your little fingers all over your hair and body. Running through the meadows head high watching the bees fly from blooming clover as you ran, birds taking flight in your path, playing in the stream, watching grains of sand being tossed in the water as the sunshine highlighted their movement. Primroses on the bank in full bloom, attracting your attention, picking and bringing some home to your mother.

But as you grew, your connection with the natural world diminished, you became obsessed with material things, ownership and control, your values, respect and understanding of the natural world departed, and in retrospect, people close to you and around you.

I can’t speak to you and you’ll no longer even look at me, you walk all over me and give me no attention, you underestimate my value regularly. You partially suffocate me, you contaminate my essence, I try to neutralize your harm, I try to conserve my energy until I can breathe again, I tried with my friends to limit your destructive nature, I tried to nurture my health because you are indifferent, I’ve tried to breath under your weight supressing me. I tried to show you signs, I am struggling to be productive, because I know you don’t see me, I tried to find ways, because to you I am invisible and you take my very existence as superfluous to your survival.

You don’t realise the damage you cause. If I could speak to you, I would say I am only Mother earth. You don’t appreciate the effort my support system plays in containing your wilful destruction. The water of life we both need to live, you contaminate, it flows through my veins, into sand and over distance is purified. My first cousin the bog lands captures your generated deadly carbon and contains it. The trees in order to grow through their broadleaves called cellular respiration photosynthesis create oxygen by converting carbon dioxide and water into oxygen, but produces 10 times more then they need, to your benefit.

In the Autumn, the leaves fall to me, organically I turn them into humus earth, to feed their roots, which grow through my body and hold me static on hillsides when the precious rain flows through me and over me to generate in spring, another cycle of life saving beauty and colour of leaves.

I nurture fauna, grasses and flowers necessary for biodiversity, greed driven, you pile on chemicals to mass produce and render me infertile, poison me, and I blow away like dust in the Fourwinds, your abuse knows no bounds.

Your environmental abuse has raised sea levels and contaminated the oceans, causing coastal erosion, much of me the earth, is washed away. Beneath the oceans, bacteria, algae, plankton and plants need oxygen to live, but release enough to supply 70% of human needs.

What good is education? Or, for that matter a high IQ, if all combined is only used to support a self-driven, selfish narrative that is to any average thinking mortal, a gross contradiction?

A healthy eco system is not a luxury, but essential for human survival. But when you die, I will forget your deeds in the hope your children will, with my help, take care of each other, earth and humanity. I will welcome you to my care, you are part of me, the earth now. I hope you live in the heart and thoughts and minds of your children. Hopefully there was time during their childhood to experience with you, the natural world, to be influenced and change direction. We are inseparable, we need each other, with care I can live forever and will continue with fertility to provide an abundance of human needs because that is my purpose and pleasure.

I show my joy in the only way possible, the lush growth of grasses, the trees and an abundance of blossoms is my happiness. If you look at me, you will see the signs. If we live in harmony, if you don’t destroy me, I will never die. Just as the people who know my purpose, they will never want, like mankind who have ever known freedom, will never return to slavery.

Remember I am Mother Earth, like your mothers, I am the silent carer, provider, keeper that never deserts, always available to nurture, remedy, salvage and limit harm for the sake of all our future, before time is called.

The clock is not in your favour, you are self-destructing, I am but the earth beneath your feet, the whole planet is in your hands, if your senseless greed is halted before you kill me, I will provide for your future generation for eternity, as I have since your creation.

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