
Republican Victory against RUC and British Normalisation In Ireland!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has stated the decision to move policing meetings in the Occupied 6 counties to a solely online format following protests by Republican Organisations is a great victory for all Irish Republicans and a significant defeat for the British Occupation.

A Spokesperson for the Socialist Republican Organisation said, ‘Having been confronted with organised protests by Republicans to make clear the RUC/PSNI are not welcome in our communities, the British Occupation has been forced to move their meetings online. This is a great victory for all Irish Republicans and it is a significant defeat for the British Occupation and it’s strategy of normalisation in Ireland.

The protests have been some of the most effective activism by Republicans in the Occupied 6 counties in a number of years and have shown what is possible when Republicans work together on a common agenda. AIA believes the Anti RUC/PSNI campaign should be expanded to build an effective boycott of the colonial police force in Republican and nationalist communities, by ensuring that members of the RUC aren’t served in local shops, cafes or restaurants, can’t participate in sporting or community groups and that recruitment propaganda is destroyed when erected or distributed in our communities.’

The spokesperson continued, ‘The RUC/PSNI is a colonial militia and a key part of the British Occupation in Ireland. These recent protests and the move by the RUC to go online have shown how weak that occupation is when confronted by organised and disciplined Republicans in our own communities. The youth of Derry continue to show the only welcome that the RUC should be given when they invade our communities. Britain has no right to be in Ireland and Republicans will continue to resist that illegal and unwanted presence until our country is free!’

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