
🟢⚫ Britain/NATO Out Of Ireland: Campaign Activism Across the Country

In recent weeks members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland have been coordinating activism across the country promoting Irish National Liberation.

The Britain/NATO out of Ireland campaign highlights that in today’s fight for Irish Freedom, Republicans must lead the Irish People in Combatting and Resisting British, European and North American Imperialism.

Britain continues it’s military occupation of 6 Irish Counties, backed up by NATO and maintains it’s semi colonial influence over the other 32 counties. Britain is a key player in NATO and recent weeks have demonstrated that British Imperialiam only intends to step up their warmongering. NATO, particularly US Imperialism, is in occupation of Shannon Airport and also Aldergrove Airport, while the British Military are responsible for ‘security’ in all Irish Airspace and waters.

The campaign to resist British and NATO Imperialism in Ireland is one of the key issues facing the Irish People and must be built across all 32 Counties.

The following is a brief report of recent activism in the campaign:




Republican activists in Ballyfermot were out building support for the struggle for National Liberation promoting the core Irish Republican message of Resistance against British Imperialiam and the #BritsOutNow campaign

With a history of Republican Resistance since going back to the Tan War, since it’s development as a large scale working class housing estate in the 1940s Republicans in Ballyfermot have been playing a key role in the fight to Free Ireland.

City Centre

Republican Activists in Dublin City Centre have been highlighting the Say No To NATO campaign on the main streets of Our Capital City, brining the message to thousands each day.

Support for the struggle for National Liberation is being promoted by advertising the National 1916 Commemoration on April 20 and by encouraging people to wear the Easter Lily, a defiant Republican symbol of Resistance!


Republican Activists in Coolock engaged in slogan writing to promote the struggle for National Liberation in the community highlighting the Republican demand for a 32 County Socialist Republic and the Say No to NATO campaign.

AIA activists across Ireland are working to highlight the very real role NATO is playing in the British Occupation of Ireland and the Imperialist Military Occupation of Shannon Airport to demonstrate that resistance against st the presence of NATO in Ireland is a keo part of our struggle for National Liberation.


Republican Activists in Tallaght highlighted the Say No to NATO campaign across the area encouraging the local community to resist NATO in Ireland. It is working class youth from areas such as Tallaght that NATO wants to be able to use as cannon fodder in its Imperialist wars and so the anti NATO resistance must be led by the working class.

Tallaght Republicans also honoured two Fenian Volunteers who fell in the Battle of Tallaght, fighting for Irish Freedom during the 1867 Fenian Uprising. Honouring Ireland’s Patriot Dead is an important way of building support for the ongoing fight for Irish Freedom in communities across the country.



Republican Activists in Ireland have been promoting the Britain/NATO Out of Ireland as well as correctly linking it to resistance to an EU Army.

Moves by the Free State to remove it’s triple lock system for restrictions on the deployment of Free State Military personal overseas are a part of moving the Free State closer to NATO but also preparing for participation in joint Brit/EU Military operations and must be Resisted by Republicans across Ireland



Republicans in Limerick are promoting the struggle for National Liberation by actively recruiting like minded Socialist Republicans to get involved in AIA.

The latest Recruitment posters have been but up encouraging people to get involved in the struggle for a Free, United and Socialist Ireland, recruiting under Padraig Pearse’s slogan, ‘Ireland Unfree, Shall Never be at Peace!’


Republican Activists in Waterford City have been promoting the Say No To NATO campaign and promoting Republicanism in the community by encouraging people to wear the Easter Lily and advertising the Socialist Republican 1916 Commemoration in Dublin on April 20.

The activists also highlighted the campaign against the Extradition of Seán Walsh outside the building where Republican leader Thomas Francis Meagher of the Young Irelanders first flew the Irish Tricolor, our National Flag, on the 177th Anniversary of that event.

The Tricolor, along with the Starry Plough and the Sunburst continue to be the flags leading the Irish People to National Liberation and Sovereignty.



Republican Activists in Galway City continue to promote support the ongoing struggle for National Liberation with a slogan writing campaigns including ‘Saor Éire’ on walls across the City.

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is rebuilding the struggle for National Liberation a d a Socialist Revolution across all 32 Counties of Ireland. We are actively recruiting Republicans across the country who are ready to play their part in the fight for Irish Freedom and and defeat of Imperialism.

If you are ready to join the Republican Resistance then join us today. Email:

An Phoblacht Abú- Saor Éire Anois 🇮🇪

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