A Socialist Republic
A Socialist Republic,
Would free all those who toil from birth,
The poor and the downtrodden,
The wretched of the earth,
Raise them from on bended knee,
Beneath the Starry Plough,
The Freedom of the Working Class,
Is what we fight for now.
A Socialist Republic,
Would end our age old fight,
For National Liberation and Socialism,
Against Imperialism’s might,
Rebuilding for the Working Class,
What was stolen in ’22
Our Republic of the People,
By their Free State for the few.
The Socialist Republic,
Of Connolly, Mellows and Costello,
Long ago the dream of the Fenians,
In the Glen of Aherlow,
Long ago the Citizen Army,
Did take up that noble fight,
It’s for another generation now,
To restore us our birthright.
A Socialist Republic,
That the generations yet to be,
Will live in an Ireland,
Sovereign and Free.
The All Ireland Socialist Republic,
That never was dissolved,
And only by reestablishing it,
Can our long fight be resolved.
For a Socialist Republic,
Organise now one and all,
Build the Broad Front,
Answer the old call,
Irish Socialist Republicans,
From the Centre to the sea,
Will not rest till Our Republic,
Regains her Liberty.