Throughout the current phase of our National Liberation struggle, that can be roughly stated to have started 50 years ago in 1969, a constant, key and principled objective of the Republican Movement is to effect a British Withdrawal from Ireland, to allow the Irish People Rebuild the All Ireland Socialist Republic.
This objective has often been summed up in the demand for an immediate declaration by the British Government of their intent to withdraw from Ireland, and a proposed timeline of how they intend to do so.
In recent years however, following the massive defeat of Republicans culminating in the 1998 treaty, many have turned away from the demand for a British Withdrawal, and have replaced the legitimate demand for the All Ireland Socialist Republic with vague sound bites about ‘Irish Unity’. The Republican struggle is about much more then mere territorial unification, which existed in the past under British Rule. Our struggle is for the Socialist Republic.
Knowingly or unknowingly, these Republicans have confined their resistance to Imperialism within the lines set by our enemies, encapsulated in the demand for a British Border Poll within the Occupied Six Counties.
Irish Socialist Republicans understand the material conditions airsing from the 1998 treaty that led so many Republicans to become despondent, however we fundamentally reject the analysis that the demands of the Republican Movement should be reduced because of that defeat.
Irish Socialist Republicans assert that today, in 2019, 100 years after the establishment of the All Ireland Socialist Republic, it is time to rebuild the Struggle for National Liberation and Socialism anchored on our historic right to National Self Determination.
A key plank of the #OurMandate #OurRepublic campaign is to build a popular, people’s campaign for a British Withdrawal from Ireland, centering around the demand for a declaration of intent to withdraw by the British Government.
By building in communities around this demand and by mobilising feet on the street to achieve it, the #OurMandate #OurRepublic campaign can be a vechicle for Republicans right across Ireland to get on with the work of Rebuilding the All Ireland Socialist Republic.
We assert that it should be the demand for a British Withdrawal, and the All Ireland Socialist Republic and not vague notions of ‘Irish Unity’ and British border polls in the Occupied Six Counties that all Republicans should rally around now
Britain is in Crisis. It’s time to assert our right to National Self Determination!
It’s time to build the people’s campaign for a British Withdrawal!
It’s time to Rebuild the All Ireland Socialist Republic!
This is #OurMandate.
This is #OurRepublic.