Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus crisis, Socialist Republicans have been applying the mass line to formulate a Proletarian response on an All Ireland basis.
The Ten Demands!
The response began with the drafting of a set of 10 demands for the Irish Working Class to unite behind, to combat and resist the exploitation of the garrsion class and to defend our class interests at this time.
The Demands were:
- Full Sick Pay for All Workers
- Immediate Social Welfare for All Workers laid off
- An immediate stoppage of all loan rent and mortgage payments
- All Private Health Facilities to be placed under Public Control
- Open All Vacant Houses to House the Homeless
- Direct Action Against Profiteering
- No Evictions
- No Deportations
- No More Bank Bailouts
- An All Ireland Response to the Crisis
These demands struck a cord with the masses and provided a clear programme to unite behind for the working class movement. The Garrision Class have moved quickly to pacify the working class and have begun implementing a number of this demands to placate the people and attempt to stop the growth of the resistance. Through a constant developing of the Mass Line however, Irish Revolutionaries will continue to build and develop the resistance, identidying new and important was to mobilse the masses to combat and resist the forces of reaction.
Serve the People Programme Launched
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has further responded to the crisis by calling on working class communities to stand together and to develop street by street committees to develop a community response to the crisis.
In Ballyfermot in West Dublin, activists linked to the Socialist Republican Mass Organisation have launched a combative Serve the People Programme. As part of the Programme, Members and Supporters of the Revolutionary organisation are collecting prescriptions and essential goods for the elderly and those in self isolation, monitoring and combating any attempts by local shops to engage in profiteering, organising a local network to physically resist evictions and assisting those in private rented accommodation to combat and resist any form of harassment or exploitation by Landlords.
Direct Action to Defend Our Class
Despite the restrictions being brought in by the ruling elite, Socialist Republicans remain committed and have continued to engage in direct actions to defend and advance the interests of the Irish Working Class. This has included, but is not limited to, a guerrilla picket at Dublin City Council on Friday March 20 to demand an immediate stoppage to all rents and mortgages and failing that, to build support for an All Ireland Rent and Mortgage Strike.
The Guerrilla picket received the overwhelming support of passing traffic and passersby, demonstrating the deep support for this demand within the Irish Working Class.
Filling the Vacuum left by the Old Reactionary States
The paritionist reactionary states in Ireland have continued to make no provision to defend the most vulnerable in our society during this crisis. To address this members and supporters of Anti Imperialist Action have taken direct action to fill the vaccum created by the reactionary States.
On Saturday March 21st a Socialist Republican Squad took to the streets of Dublin City Centre to carry out a soup run and engage with the homeless around our demand to open all vacant houses and properties as a solution to the homelessness crisis. This was very well recived by the homeless citizens we engaged with, who are very clear about who is responsible for there plight. Charity will not solve the homeless situation in Ireland, only the overthrowing of the Garrison Class can lead to a permanent solution.
Opposing the Illegal British Occupation!
Throughout the crisis, Irish Socialist Republicans have continued to oppose the ongoing illegal occupation of our country, with our activists in the occupied Six Counties highlighting the increased activity of the British Military in Ireland under the pretense of assisting the response to the crisis. We reiterate that Britain has no right in Ireland and British Troops have no place on Irish Streets under any Circimstances. Throughout the restrictions laid down by reactionary states in response to the virus, Irish Socialist Republicans will continue to combat and resist the illegal occupation of our country.
For An All Ireland Rent and Mortgage Strike
As the reactionary states have failed to act on the demand of the masses for an immediate stoppage to all rent and mortgage payments across Ireland, on Monday March 23rd, Anti Imperialist Action initiated a campaign to build an All IReland Rent and Mortgage Strike.
with Social distancing being observed, the initial organisation of the campaign is taking place online, with the first phase of the campaign to develop county by county strike committees already underway. A Facebook Group established for this purpose attracted several hundred participants in just a few hours, and can be joined by all who want to get involved in this important campaign here:
In the coming weeks and months Irish Socialist Republicans will continue to do all we can to serve e the revolution and our people in this time of great crisis. We are not all in this together. This is a class war and the working class must now agitate-educate- and organise. Anyone ready to take their place in the Revolutionary Movement to combat and resist the Free State Counter Revolution and British Imperialism in Ireland should email