Over the past seven days’ as the crisis of capitalism deepend and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic led to a lockdown across the 32 counties, Irish Socialist Republicans have continued to agitate, educate and organise the working class to combat and resist exploitation and oppression. Below is a review of just a selection of the activism socialist Republicans engaged in this week.

On the North side of Dublin City, Activists have been busy continuing to rebuild the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution, recruiting members and active supporters in working class communities. This work has included a high profile postering campaign around the north of the city and engaging in community direct actions.
Smash Landlordism

Anti Imperialist Action is working with tenants across Ireland who are being hassled by landlords, especially tenants who have recently lost their job as a result of the current economic collapse. Our activists are providing support to tenants and sending a clear message to landlords that evictions will not be tolerated and will be physically resisted, lockdown or no lockdown.
Opposing Brit Imperialism

Despite the lockdown in the occupied six counties, our activists have continued to actively oppose the illegal British Occupation. We have constantly highlighted how British Imperialism is using the Coronavirus to increase its open mobilisation of Troops in Ireland. This week AIA released a video that was filmed in North Belfast showing the flight of a British Military Aircraft circling the City at night, disrupting residents and no doubt being used to gather intelligence against Republicans. Britain has no right to be in Ireland and Irish Socialist Republicans will continue to Combat and Resist there illegal presence here.
Youth Activism

Macrach ISR Youth has launched a new campaign to honour Ireland’s Patriot dead under the title ‘Revolutionary Readings’. the Revolutionary Youth Movement have put together a number of readings of pieces from the executed leaders of the 1916 Rising and releasing the videos on Facebook.
International Solidarity

As part of the International week of solidarity with the great march of return, Irish Socialist Republicans across the country took solidarity photographs as the lockdown prevented a rally being held in Dublin. Anti Imperialist Action extend our Solidarity to the Palestinian People, the fight for National Liberation and Our Comrades, the Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine, who we will always stand Shoulder to shoulder with against Zionism and Imperialism.
Workers in Struggle

Since the beginning of the current economic collapse, Anti imperialist Action has been contacted by workers across the 32 counties who are being exploited by their boss, using the coronavirus as an excuse to layoff workers or to institute illegal pay cuts to workers wages. Some of the companies involved in such exploitative action include the Wetherspoons Pub Chain, Sports Direct and Creagh Concreate. AIA will continue to assist these workers to combat and Resist exploitation by their boss, and we encourage other workers facing similar situations to get in touch so we can provide assistance. Companies exploiting their workers at this time need to be held to account by the working class.
Serving the People

Irish Socialist Republicans have contined to work on the front line supporting the vulnerable and elederly in the community but also continuing to engage in front line outreach to the homeless in Dublin.
Activists were on the streets on Saturday night, March 29 providing assistance to those who call the streets their home. The Free State are playing with lives in this health pandemic and we demand the immediate opening of all empty homes and properties to house the homeless and save lives!
National Rent and Mortgage Strike

AIA activists have continued to build the campaign for an National Rent and Mortgage Strike, producing leaflets posters and other media to help build the campaign and develop local structures across the country.
Rise the Starry Plough

As part of the commemorative events of the 104th anniversary of the 1916 Rising, Anti Imperialist Action has launched a campaign to encourage people across Ireland and Internationally to honour the men and women of every generation who fought and died for National Liberation and Socialism to rise the Starry Plough and fly it from your home. with the lockdown in place over the Easter weekend, this is an important way to honour our patriot dead, and recommit ourselves to the rebuilding of the All Ireland People’s Republic.