Liam Jordan, South Leinster.
‘Revolutionary Strength derives from Socialist Republican Struggle’
Class Struggle
“If the whole of modern society is not to perish, a revolution in the mode of production and distribution must take place, a revolution which will put an end to all class distinctions. On this tangible, material fact, which is impressing itself in a more or less clear form, but with insuperable necessity, on the minds of the exploited proletarians – on this fact, and not on the conceptions of justice and injustice held by an armchair philosopher, is modern socialisms confidence in victory.”
Friedrich Engels.
As Irish Socialist Republicans, as Irish Marxist Revolutionaries, for ultimate victory over British imperialism we understand that it is necessary to continue to engage our forces within the class struggle and we must see this struggle to its bitter end.
We clearly understand that there is a division of our society into classes and to obtain true freedom we must smash the class system and drive both foreign and domestic capitalism in to the dirt.
But who are these classes that confront each other every single day?
The Capitalist Class
The Capitalist class are the minority class, the ruling class who own and control the wealth of our partitioned Nation, they control the means of producing the wealth and how it is distributed and exchanged across Ireland and are part and parcel of the global monopoly capitalist system. They are the Robber Barons who stole our natural resources, who profit off the backs of the working class, who control all our industries, who control the means needed for society to exist and progress.
The Working Class
Then there is the majority class – the Working Class whose blood, sweat and labour are the sources of the capitalists wealth, the working class, the working poor the small farmer and farm labourer who are been exploited and oppressed by capitalism and their Gombeen Garrison Class.
This is the modern Irish partitioned Nation. A colony of 6 North Eastern Counties and a semi colony of 26 Counties, all been run and managed from Belfast and Dublin by the class the British establishment appointed and constructed – the Garrison Class.
This Garrison Class uses repressive laws and oppressive methods and state apparatuses including their military, secret services, police forces and informers to enforce there unjust and repressive laws, to pacify and control the masses, all done in the interest of monopoly capitalism.
Ownership of Ireland
The Capitalist Class continues to impose a foreign English monarchy and its puppet ascendancy on the Irish Working Class, this is done as a sop to West Brits and British Unionism and is a throwback to the days of English Feudalism. These poisoned leeches are given permission to act as the over-ruling masters in Ireland which the Garrison Class expects the Irish working class to pay deference too, they continue to exploit and oppress the Irish people in the interest of furthering corporate and imperialist greed.
Also the facts remain that capitalism in Ireland is in constant dialogue with the European Union and other proponents of the Free Market on the best way to carve up and exploit the rich pickings and natural resources that all of Ireland has to offer. All this is done under the political watch of the neo liberals, neo conservatives and comprador capitalists in the Free State and 6 County Garrison Class,
The bear-trap of Imperialism has to be smashed across Ireland, as Irish Socialist Republicans this is our prime objective, this is our role within the war for the Peoples Republic.
Building a Broad Front

To smash the class system we need to build a united broad front of militant left republicans, socialists and solid community activists, we continue to unite with those progressives and the masses who have committed to fight imperialism.
Learning from the Universal Strategy of Protracted Peoples War, our Revolution can be enhanced by promoting our culture, language and heritage. We must continue the processes of building centres of resistance in every community across Ireland, these centres are the key to building revolutionary community councils, which when called upon will give their allegiance to the All Ireland Socialist Republic, the Peoples Republic that was suppressed and driven underground by the British supported counter revolutionaries since1922.
We need to continue to build-up fighting structures that can challenge and ultimately eliminate the Garrison Class.
Theory- Practice- Action
For ultimate victory against our enemies we have initiated the correct policies and have put in place well planned militant Marxism – Leninism – Maoism as our scientific revolutionary ideology that has proven correct in many parts of the world.
Combining this revolutionary, higher stage of Marxism with the political strategies of James Connolly, Liam Mellows, Séamus Costello and Jim Lynagh has enhanced our revolutionary capabilities and launched our campaign of Total Resistance to Imperailsm.

By our continuous understanding and studying of the concrete conditions that exist in Ireland, by correctly analysing the objective and subjective conditions for revolution and understanding the correct theory, practice and revolutionary action, we will bring an end to capitalism’s human exploitation and an end to capitalist private property, which the entire sick system is built on.
These principle objectives and strategies will lead to an end to imperialism and to the British occupation of Ireland and move us another step in rebuilding the Irish Socialist Republic.
Beir Bua!.
Victory to the Peoples Republic!.