Yesterday, on the 106th Anniversary of the Howth Gun Running, scores of Republicans gathered at the East Pier in Howth to commemorate one of the key events in the lead up to the 1916 Rising.
Led by the a section of the Socialist Republican Colour Party, the parade made its way along the pier to the memorial plaque at the Lighthouse, with Banners From Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh- ISR Youth as well as Stop the Extradition of Liam Campbell along with the Starry Plough of the Irish Citizen Army and the Sunburst prominently displayed.

The event was chaired by veteran Republican Margret McKearney, and was addressed by guest speakers, Independent Revolutionary Socialist Diarmuid Breatnach speaking on behalf of the Anti Internment Group of Ireland and Republican activist and historian Peter Rogers from the Spirit of Freedom Society Westmeath. A representative of Macradh- ISR Youth also delivered an inspiring oration to those in attendance.

A minutes silence and the lowering of the flags was held for all men and women who have fought and died for National Liberation, with Margaret McKearney calling on all in attendance to remember in particular two Republicans that have recently past away, Deirdre O’Connell and Tom Mitchell.
Wreaths were then laid on behalf of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and the Spirit of Freedom Society.
The event was then brought to a close by Diarmuid Breatnach nach singing Amhrán na bFian.