
US Imperialism Get Out of Shannon Now!

US Imperialism Out of Shannon Now!

The British War Machine Is not the only Imperialist Forces occupying a part of Ireland.

It is almost forgotten that the US Military are in control of, and operate a forward tactical base at Shannon Airport with the full compliance of the Free State Administration.

The US Military are in control of the Airport and it is a common site to see Uniformed and Armed US Troops walking freely around the area, to the shock and confusion of Irish Citizens and tourists using the Airport for legitimate reasons. There are almost daily landings by the US Military at the Warport.

The US War Machine uses Shannon Airport as a key cog in its wars of conquest in the Middle East. The Free State Administration is completely subservient to Ango-American Imperialism and therefore lets the US Military operate at Shannon with Impunity.

The vast majority of the Irish People are opposed to the use of Shannon as a US Military base and fundamentally oppose imperialist wars of conquest.

When the US War base at Shannon is combined with the other many and varied US Imperialist interests in Ireland from Finance Capital to Housing Vultures to those involved in the robbing of our natural resources and the US companies using the Free State as a Tax Haven, it is clear to see that Ireland is oppressed and exploited by US Imperialism.

To end the US occupation of Shannon and the interference of US Imperialism in Ireland we need to build a People’s Campaign Against the presence of US Troops in Ireland! This injustice has been largely ignored for too long!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland are committed to building such an All Ireland campaign. If you’d like to play a role then contact us today.

US Imperialism Get Out of Ireland Now!

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