A brief round up of some of the key actions engaged in by members and supporters of Anti Imperialist Action this week:
Kevin Barry Honoured in Dublin

Irish Socialist Republicans held the annual candlelit vigil for Vol. Kevin Barry at the GPO on Monday November 2 in the shadow of Ireland’s ancient hero, Cú Chulainn.
The vigil was all the more poignant as this week marks the 100th Anniversary of the Execution of Kevin Barry by British Imperialism.
Brit Poppy Wreaths Burned in Bray

As part of our ongoing #PoppyWatchPatrols Anti Imperialist Action members this week confiscated Brit Imperialist Poppy Wreaths In Bray, County Wicklow, and burned them.
Brit Imperialist symbols have no place in Ireland and wherever the Brit Poppy or Poppy Wreaths are reported to us, we will remove and burn them.
Well done to our growing Dún Laoghaire/ North Wicklow Coiste on this successful direct action.
Actions have already taken place in Belfast, South Armagh, Dublin and Wicklow as the Campaign grows across the country.
As Chairman Mao Proclaimed, ‘A single spark can light the prairie fire’!
Economic and Cultural Imperialism Challenged

On Wednesday, Members of Anti Imperialist Action mounted a lighting Picket on the Brit Imperialist Company GO Ahead, at their Ballymount Depot.
The purpose of the Picket was to highlight the economic and cultural imperialism engaged in by Go Ahead in Ireland, and to protest the wearing of Poppies by the management team at the Ballymount Depot.
Speaking from the Picket, a Spokesperson for the Socialist Republican Group Said, ‘Go Ahead are a British Imperialist Company that are engaging in economic imperialism in Ireland. Go Ahead are actively involved in profiting from the privatisation of Ireland’s Public Transport system and now control 10 per cent of Dublin Bus Routes.
Added to this economic imperialism the management of Go Ahead here in the Ballymount Depot are engaged in a campaign of cultural imperialism by wearing Britain’s blood stained poppy to work. Far from being a symbol of remembrance, the poppy is a symbol that glorifies British Imperialism and is sold to raise money to support serving members of the British Armed Forces, those same armed forces that maintain the ongoing and illegal occupation of Ireland.
The spokesperson continued, ‘Anti Imperialist Action Ireland have been contacted by Go Ahead Workers deeply insulted that the management here are wearing the Brit imperialist poppy in a work environment. Over the last four years Anti Imperialist Action have mounted #PoppyWatch patrols to ensure the Poppy is not sold on Irish Streets. The campaign has been very successful. This year, following the contact by workers here at Go Ahead we are expanding the campaign to place pickets on any business promoting Brit Imperialism by wearing the Poppy.
The Spokesperson continued,’The management at Go Ahead wearing the Poppy is both symbolic of and a symptom of The Imperialist nature of this company. British Imperialism in Ireland is represented not just by the Crown forces in the Occupied Six Counties but also of companies such as Go Ahead across Ireland. Our Public transport should not be in the hands of Private Companies and the likes of Go Ahead should be driven out of Ireland and they services they currently run should be returned to public services.
In the fight for National Liberation and Socialism, Economic and Cultural Imperialism must be defeated in Ireland and Anti Imperialist Action are working to build mass resistance to imperialism across the country. We will continue to stand with workers victimized by imperialism and take action where they cannot. Any company promoting the Poppy In Ireland along with the rest of the imperialist vultures in our country will face action from the organized and disciplined working class.
Keep the Poppy out of Ireland!’
O’Neills: Stop Collaborating with British Imperialism

Anti Imperialist Action Picket O’Neill’s Sportswear in Dublin
On Wednesday, members of Anti Imperialist Action held a picket on the offices of O’Neills Sportswear in Walkinstown Dublin, to highlight that this well known company is providing sports kits and equipment to the British Military.
Those at the picket held placards that read: ‘ Ó’Neills Sportswear- Stop Collaborating with the British Occupation in Ireland’.
By making equipment for the British War Machine, O’Neills are actively supporting the ongoing illegal occupation of Ireland and are actively profiting from it. The company have build their reputation by providing equipment to the GAA, an organization whose members have been killed by the Brit Military should hang there heads in shame. The collaboration with British Imperialism should be ended immediately.
Anti Imperialist Action will continue to demand an end to the relationship between O’Neills and the British Military and pressure should be put on the company to break the connections with the forces of occupation by Republicans and GAA members across Ireland.
We will continue to build the campaign in the coming weeks until O’Neills give a commitment to profiteering from from the occupation of our country and end all contracts with the Brit Military!
Britain Get Out of Ireland Now!
Housing Direct Action

Housing Direct Action in Dublin
AIA launch 3F’s Housing Action Campaign in Dublin
Anti Imperialist Action in Dublin have launched a new Revolutionary Housing Action Campaign and like the Land League of old, we are fighting for the 3F’s:
- Fair Rents 2. Fuck Evictions and 3. Funding Public Housing
The first direct action of the campaign took place in Ballyfermot, were members of our local Coiste sprayed ‘Reduce Your Rents’ on Berkeley Estate Agents on Le Fanu Road, and erected the 3F’s Campaign poster in the local area.
Rents in the Ballyfermot are are extortionate, averaging between €1,700- €2,000 and above per month which is between €500-700 more then the top rate of Rent allowance provided where a family consists of a couple and 3 children. This situation is outright exploitation on Working Class families and cannot be tolerated. As part of the campaign we have written to local landlords and their agents demanding a drop in rents and outlining that Evictions will not be tolerated in the community.
In launching this campaign Anti Imperialist Action intend to work with local residents and other community housing activists to build a mass people’s movement willing to take direct action to defeat the profiteering of Landlords and Vultures prevent evictions and push the building of Public Housing.
Housing is an All Ireland issue and the crisis is deliberately maintained by the Garrison Class to drive up profits for landlords and vultures. The housing crisis can only be ended through the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution and the Rebuilding of the All Ireland People’s Republic.
This campaign will be rolled out in other areas In the city in the coming weeks, months and ultimately years that it will take to be successful. If you want to play your part in taking on the Landlords and Vultures, then contact us today.
An Phoblact Abú!
New AIA Mural Unveiled in Dublin

For National Liberation and Socialist Revolution- Beir Bua, Tiocfaidh Ár Lá!
On Wednesday evening, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland unveiled a new mural in Dublin as part of our continued growth in communities across the country.
We are actively recruiting on an All Ireland basis, rebuilding a militant Socialist Republican Movement that is committed to successfully challenge imperialism in Ireland and rebuild the All Ireland People’s Republic.
Full video and statement: https://anti-imperialist-action-ireland.com/blog/2020/11/06/organise-the-disciplined-working-class-and-strike-for-freedom-socialism/
#PoppyWatch Patrols Mayo

Activists in County Mayo this week confiscated a Poppy Wreath that had been laid to honour British Crown Forces and burned it.
There is no place in Mayo or any part of Ireland for the Symbols of British Imperialism.
Britain Get Out of Ireland!
Vol. Kevin Barry Honoured in Carlow
There was a great turn out in Rathvilly Co. Carlow on Sunday November 8 for the annual Vol. Kevin Barry Commemoration organised by the Seamus Costello Memorial Committee.
Republicans gathered for the 100th Anniversary, traveling from Dublin, Wicklow, Wexford and across Carlow to honour the courage and sacrifice of Kevin Barry, executed by British Imperialism 100 years ago this month.
Led by the Socialist Republican Colour Party, those assembled made their way from the Phoenix Hall to the Kevin Barry Memorial. The main oration was delivered by Veteran Socialist Republican Seán Doyle (Wicklow) and a wreath was laid by local Veteran Republican Jim Byrne.
It was a fitting event to honour Kevin Barry by those who continue to work towards Irish National Liberation on the same day that the leaders of the Free State Counter Revolution rushed to Enniskillen to honour the British Forces of Occupation.
The large crowd in Carlow was a further sign of the regrowth and reinvigoration of Socialist Republicanism across the County.
Well done to the Organisers.
Video of main Oration: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=147785357060086&id=108133087691980
The Socialist Republican Colour Party Says Free Georges Abdallah