Tonight, for the 5th consecutive year, Socialist Republicans in Dublin launched the annual PoppyWatch Patrols, aiming to keep the City free of the blood stained symbols of British Imperialism and to challenge those who would raise money for British Terrorists.
Members of the Kevin Barry Patrol covered an area including North King Street, Capel Street, Henry Street, Talbot Street and the environs of O’Connell Street to ensure the North Inner City was free from those attempting to raise funds to support the British Forces of Occupation in Ireland.
The purpose of the patrols is to seek out pro imperialists selling the British Legion Poppy, challenge them and highlight their support and fundraising for British Imperialism. The patrols over the last number of years have been very successful.

The British legion is not a benign charity, it raises finances for serving members of the British Military, the same military that is illegally occupying our country. Those wearing a poppy in Ireland are showing their support for the British Terrorists in our country and should hang their heads in shame.
In the coming weeks the PoppyWatch Patrols will continue to take place in Dublin City, and will spread to other areas to confront and resist those who would raise finance for British terrorists, wherever they raise their heads.
If you would like to start a patrol in your area, or would like to report any sightings of Poppy sellers, then contact us today.
Britain Get Out Of Ireland Now!