

Today the counter revolution continues to be an obstacle to the establishment of an Irish Republic, based on the ideals and aspirations of those who fought against the occupation of Ireland by the imperialist colonial British Empire. Their insistence  that we now live in a Republic is a revisionist propogandist lie intent on hiding the reality that is 100+ years of FF/FG rule, as hereditary and corrupt as the monarchist feudalism of the British Empire since the “War of the Roses”.

The gombeenism and greed of the past 100+ years is an insult to those who were betrayed by the signing of the Treaty leading to partition and the continued subjugation of nationhood by the imperialists and their lackies in FF/FG.

Over time a narrative has developed that portrays those who continue to oppose occupation and partition as being in some way backward or narrow of vision and ideas. This deliberately false opinion is readily expounded on by those for whom the status quo is financially lucrative and politically expedient.

Throughout previous decades of resistance to imperialist occupation in Ireland the narrative was one of total resistance, oppose everything that was policy for the regimes, oppose and condemn all who advocated working within the system, whether electorally or economically, arguing that the only outcome would be the solidifying of partition and occupation with those engaged in the system becoming a part of that system, intrinsically linked to the administration of occupation.

Today the narrative of the counter revolutionaries is a mirror image of that which they condemned throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, electoralism, pacification at all costs, acceptance of the organs of the regime, acceptance of and promotion of the paramilitary forces of regime in the guise of the RUC renamed the PSNI, acceptance of the electoral narrative of partition, merely calling for a “Border Poll”, solidifying the control of the imperialist as the Treaty signed by the counter revolutionaries hands the power to accept or deny access to any such gerrymandered poll to the imperialist regime.

This counter revolutionary narrative is one of collaboration and deference to the continued occupation and subjugation of the Irish people. Attempts at positioning this false narrative through spin and obfuscation as the only narrative upon which democratic mandates or popular campaigns may be built is a means of political control and inherently undermines our rights as set out by the Proclamation and the First Dáil.

Imperialism has never and will never accede to the development of a truly democratic state or a socialist republic, democracy and socialism are an anathema to the economic and political dominance of imperialist regimes. It is vital for those who control the wealth and resources that the narrative of revolution is kept silent, it is vital that to establish a true Irish Republic that the narrative of resistance and revolution grows. Electoralism, engagement with systems designed to maintain the status quo and frustrate any attempts at people power must be opposed at every opportunity.

Only living the life of the revolutionary in every sense can and will grow the resistance to imperialism. Speak as a socialist, operate as a socialist, demand that every aspect of society is socialist, oppose the narratives of the counter revolution, create and maintain narratives of Equality, Justice and Resistance within which socialist intent grows.

It is apparent through the various media stories and first-hand knowledge that the counter revolutionaries and their erstwhile colleagues in the parties of power do not live as they profess to others. Gender based inequalities, gender based “jokes”, sexual misconduct, bullying, gerrymandered power and control schemes, economic deference and greed within their very structures, none of this can become a part of any resistance movement that wishes to establish a Socialist Republic!

The only narrative must be based on anti-imperialism, socialist resistance, and revolutionary intent!

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