It is with great sadness that Anti Imperialist Action Ireland learned today of the passing of our friend and comrade, Eamonn McGrath, County Wicklow. We send our deepest sympathies to his family and friends. Everyone who knew Eamonn knows he was a deeply proud partner, father, grandfather and great grandfather.
One of the most dedicated political activists of the last decade, Eamonn was one of the key water warriors resisting the introduction of a domestic water tax and domestic water meters, resistance that led to his imprisonment in Cloverhill as one of the Wicklow 2.
Deeply passionate about housing and homelessness, Eamonn was centrally involved in the occupation of Appollo House and recently was active and supportive of the Revolutionary Housing League, visiting building that had been aquisitioned when his health allowed.
In 2016 Eamonn Played a key role in the campaign to save Moore Street and was centrally involved in the occupation of 16 Moore St and the Citizens Injunction that followed the ending of the occupation.
A founding member of the Anti Eviction Flying Column, Eamonn was to the fore in resisting evictions across the country and taking the fight to the Black and Tan scum of KBC bank and other vultures.
Eamonn played a key role in the Bring it to their doors campaign, highlighting the crimes of the free state establishment and has been an active member of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland since our establishment in 2017.
Strongly Anti Fascist, Eamonn vocally opposed the far right and actively campaigned against racism and fascism on the streets.
Indeed it is hard to think of a campaign in the last 10 years that Eamonn wasn’t involved in as he passionately fought for the working class.
Eamonn was a talented song writer and sang at many protests and events over the years, getting across his political position through his lyrics.
Through his activism, and his giant heart, Eamonn made many friends and comrades across the country. His door was always open to comrades and he was always ready to help a friend in need. There are many people whose lives he touched grieving across Ireland tonight.
Slán a chara.
Eamonn McGrath, Water Warrior, Humanitarian, community activist, anti fascist, Socialist Republican.