Yesterday in Dublin, four men known to have close links with British Imperialism in Ireland were prominent at an Anti Immigration march in Dublin.
Jim Ferguson is a British Imperialist and open Zionist who is a failed election candidate to the British Parliament. Jim believes Ireland should be ruled by England as is openly supportive of the British military occupation of the 6 counties. Like all British imperialists, Jim is strongly supportive of the Zionist Occupation of Palestine and the current Zionist Genocide that is fundamentally opposed by the Irish people.
Hermann Kelly is closely linked to British Military Intelligence. From Derry this ‘patriot’ became an economic migrant to Britain to link up with British Imperialist organisations led by Nigel Farage instead of being a genuine patriot and fighting to drive British Imperialism from our country. Kelly is a representative of the Brit establishment in Ireland and has played a key role in facilitating links between the far right and Loyalism.
2/3 Derek Blighe from County Cork was also an economic migrant to Canada during a time when genuine patriots joined the fight for freedom. The convicted criminal has openly expressed support for the British Military and has modeled his tiny group ‘Ireland First’ on the British far right organisation Britain First. Blighe is also developing links with Loyalism and Zionism through his relationship with the Brit Far Right and Zionist figure known as Tommy Robinson. In fact it was Blighe who invited Robinson to Ireland last year to cement links between his group and British Imperialism.
Rowan Croft from Dublin is also known as Tan Torino. A British Soldier and MI5 agent, Croft served with the British Army in the Occupied Six Counties and actively fought against Republicans and the Irish People. In recent years, at the behest of his British Masters, Croft has concentrated on attempting to faclitate links between the Irish Far Right and British Loyalism along with his associate the Scottish Loyalist Jim Dowson.
These men do not stand for Irish Freedom. These men stand for British Imperialism in Ireland and offer nothing to the working class. Just a brief look at their history shows that these men are part of the controlled opposition in Ireland whose actions serve the interests of those in Leinster House and their imperialist masters.
The Irish Working Class must reject the division being pushed by British agents and instead focus on our real enemies in Ireland, those in Leinster House and the British Occupation and Partition of our country.
Freedom will only be achieved by uniting against them.