Anti Imperialist Action Ireland condemn the arrest and charging of a Republican Activist in Limerick for engaging in the campaign against extradition.
On Tuesday the Republican Activist was arrested by the Special Branch Under Section 30 of the offences against the Free State act, and held in Henry St Barracks.
The Republican Activists was strip searched and had is clothing and personal belongings taken by the Free State police.
The Republican was then interrogated about Republican Activism in Limerick and in particular about AIA’s campaign against the extradition of Irish Republicans.
The Republican then had his period of detention extended over night and was brought before the Free State Court Yesterday, where he was charged with ‘criminal damage’ for allegedly engaging in a slogan writing campaign against the extradition of Cork Republican Seán Walsh.
Released on bail from the court, in a petty attempt at harassment the branch refused to return his phone, personal belongings and clothing.
Such tactics will not stop Irish Republicans from working towards the rebuilding of the Irish Republic proclaimed in 1916 and will fail to deter us from pursuing our legitimate objectives.