It has recently been announced that AXA will fully divest from zionism, a victory won by the Palestine solidarity movement around the world. AIA and SDP have played our part in campaigning against AXA. From urging hundreds of drivers insured with them to cancel, to marking offices highlighting their complicity as well as organising pickets against them.
The boycott tactic is named for a land agent and Brit terrorist Charles Cunningham Boycott, who was shunned by workers and peasants in Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo during the Land War. Infamous for his exorbitant rents and cruel evictions, locals acted decisively when eleven tenants faced eviction at once. Republicans have often advocated the boycott of British goods and Dunnes Stores workers were instrumental in blocking the flow of goods from apartheid South Africa (activism which is criminalised by the free state today under the 1990 Industrial Relations act). Targeted boycotts utilising direct action can be an effective tactic of class struggle and to isolate fascist regimes like the zionist entity.
Reformists who counterpose BDS with the Palestinian resistance however are sorely mistaken, their struggle remains the principal means of shaking off the zionist occupation. The greatest threat to the zionist entity and the imperialists backing it are the resistance fighters, day by day fighting towards a free Palestine.
As thousands and millions come out in support of the Palestinian struggle, the tide is turning against the zionists, laid bare for a fascist regime built on stolen land.
For giant, remorseless corporations like AXA enmeshed in international imperialism to be forced to concede to these demands shows that Palestine have the risen people on their side.