
Repression Only Strengthens Resistance

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland condemns in the strongest terms and exposes the recent increase in harassment of our members and supporters by the Free State Garda Public Order Unit in Dublin.

On Saturday night, September 21, a Republican Activist was targeted by the Public Order Unit as he walked in Phibsboro. The Republican Activist, who is Iraqi, was subjected to a violent assault and outright racism by members of the Riot Squad and was told to ‘go back to Africa’. The sheer unprovoked nature of the attack by the Gardaí, led members of the public to intervene to ensure the safety of our activist and the Gardaí scurried away. Had this event taken place in a less public location it could have been much worse. This is not the first time that this Republican has been targeted by the POU, who seem to take particular offence to the leading role he has been playing in Palestine Solidarity Actions in Dublin and beyond since October 7 2023.

As news of this assault and racist attack began to spread a comrade raised the situation on Social Media, sharing the badge number of the Garda who had led the attack and made the racist comments. As this comrade later made his way home in his car, he was followed to the door of his home by members of the Gardaí who then sat outside as he went in, in a pathetic attempt to intimidate a well known and respected Republican Community Activist.

These incidents come just weeks after other members of AIA were targeted in Dublin City by the same members of the Public Order Unit as they attempted to have something to eat, following a Republican Commemoration, only to be set on by the POU and told to leave the area in an incident that can only been seen as harassment.

It is clear that the Gardaí in Dublin, and particularly their shock troops in the Public Order Unit have decided to target young members of Anti Imperialist Action on sight in the City Centre, in an attempt to intimidate them out of their legitimate Republican and Community Activism. It is no suprise that a number of those targeted are very prominent in housing, Palestine Solidarity and Anti Fascist campaigns as well as being leading Republican Community Activists in their own local areas. It is clear once again that the Gardaí and the Free State fear the continued growth of AIA and the prominence of Socialist Republicans in Revolutionary and Community Campaigns across the city.

Being an Irish Republican is not a crime. Campaigning for the defeat of Imperialism in Ireland is an entirely legitimate act and our activists will never be intimidated by the petty harassment or assaults inflicted by the Gardaí.

In the coming days we intend to announce our response to the increased harassment of our activists and we call on all who are opposed to the increasing Garda Violence and Repression in Dublin City to be ready to join us to take to the streets and demonstrate we won’t take such repression lying down.

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