Leaks have revealed that blueshirt Paschal O’Donohoe had a secret phone call with the administration of the zionist entity, ensuring them that the free state will do everything in its power to prevent an “occupied territories bill” passing through Leinster House. The “money message” clause was mentioned, to bury the motion in bureaucratic red tape, protecting significant “Israeli” investments in Ireland.
As reprehensible as this is, it can come as little surprise. Despite symbolic moves like recognising the “right to Palestinian statehood” and endless posturing; the Free State has long stalled sanctions of any sort. The corruption of the blueshirts and their fealty to imperialism is well-known. Despite little to no support in Ireland, a pro-zionist lobby is sustained by British, American and European imperialism.
It is time for the BDS movement in Ireland to face the fact that the Free State administration cannot be moved on “conscience”. No matter how heinous the zionist entity’s crimes, Free-staters will continue to be bought off with brown envelopes.
No amount of petitions or motions can bring about sanctions, because the garrison class will look the other way as long as possible. Republicans know this only too well, having seen its inaction against British murder in the occupied North, and its persistent harassment of those who stand true to the Republic. If the BDS movement in Ireland wants to achieve its aims, it has to meaningfully force the hand of the state. Only with direct action and relying on the strong will in communities across Ireland to break the connection with zionism can this happen.