Anti Imperialist Action Ireland have hit the ground running in 2021 with activism taking place across a large number of Coiste areas.
The following is a roundup of some of the key actions taken so far this month
Solidarity with Palestine

Kicking off the year on January 3rd members of our Comhairle Ceantair Áth Cliath demonstrated Solidarity with the ongoing Palestinian Struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution and demanded freedom for PFLP General Secretary Ahmad Sa’adat.
This month will see Irish Socialist Republicans across the county demand freedom for comrade Sa’adat.
The Socialist Republican on Sale

Irish Socialist Republicans across the country are selling copies of the latest edition of our magazine, The Socialist Republican, the authentic voice of Irish Socialist Republicanism. The magazine acts as a collective organiser for Socialist Republican activists across the country and is available €5 plus postage and packaging through our online shop
Justice For George Nkencho!

Members of Anti Imperialist Action in Dublin have been attending the protests in Blanchardstown in support of the campaign for justice for George Nkencho, a young black man with mental health difficulties, shot dead by Free State Police following his involvement on a Public Order incident in what is a clearly disproportionate response by the Free State.
1981 Hungerstrike Commemorations

This week Anti Imperialist Action launched our year of commemorative actions and events to commemorate the 1981 Hungerstrike with the publication of a 40th Anniversary poster. Throughout the year AIA will be holding events across the country to honour the courage and sacrifice of the Hungerstrikers.
Socialist Republican Stickers in New Ross

Activists in New Ross have been busy building support for the Socialist Republican Alternative and have erected Anti Imperialist Action’s latest campaigning stickers across the County Wexford Town
Brit War Wreaths Rebranded in Belfast

Socialist Republican Activists in Belfast staged an Agi-Prop by rebranding Brit Imperialist War Wreaths with stickers that say ‘Go on Home British Soldiers’.
Fuck Soldier F

As part of the #BritsOutNow campaign, members of Anti Imperialist Action in Wicklow have erected posters of ‘Soldier F’, a Brit Terroist known to have murdered at least 4 innocent civilians on Bloody Sunday and who was also involved in the Ballymurphy massacre in Belfast.