The leadership of the Revolutionary Irish Socialist Republican Movement extends or greetings to our membership and supporters at home and abroad. We thank you for the dedication and commitment you showed through revolutionary activism throughout 2024 in the struggle for a 32 County Socialist Republic and we encourage you to redouble your efforts to advance the cause of Freedom and Socialism in 2025. We give the commitment that we will be doing the same.
As 2025 begins we extend our solidarity greetings to all Irish Republican Prisoners of war, revolutionary men and women held in Portlaoise, Hydebank and Maghaberry Prisons because they believe in the legitimate cause of an free and sovereign All Ireland Republic. In particular we extend our solidarity and take the opportunity to raise the case of Sean Walsh, now entering his 4th year of internment in Portlaoise at the behest of British imperialiam, who are intent to extradite him to occupied Ireland. The Republican cause would be greatly strengthened in 2025 if all Republican Organisations and independents worked together to resist British Extradition in Ireland.
We further extend our solidarity to all Revolutionary Irish Republicans who, like us remain committed and active in the fight for the All Ireland Republic and we look forward to working with you in the year ahead on common issues and campaigns that advance our struggle for Irish National Liberation.
This new year, as imperialism continues to be stretched and frayed around the edges, the international trend is of wars, a growing Anti Imperialism and of revolutions. The Irish Struggle for National Liberation must be understood within this international context and every act that weakens imperialism strengthens the Revolution in our own country.
It is for this reason we continue to stand in solidarity with all Revolutionary movements fighting for the defeat of imperialism from Latin America, to the Philippines, from India to the Basque Country. We also extend our solidarity to the revolutionaries fighting in in the Imperialist cores of the United States and Europe where the class struggle is heating up and can only lead to the strengthening of Revolutionary Forces.
In particular we extend our solidarity to the revolutionaries and national resistance in Palestine. To our comrades in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades and to the Axis of Resistance, we continue to stand with you as you wage the war of National Liberation against Zionism and Imperialism in the Middle East. The Palestinian National Resistance has shown the revolutionaries of the world what is possible through the Revolutionary Armed Struggle in the 21st Century, but their fight is far from over and All Revolutionaries must continue to develop genuine solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance throughout 2025 through action, not words . In this regard we note and commend the work of Saoirse don Phalaisín and other Palestinian solidarity activist groups that have been committed to direct action over the last 12 months.
In Ireland as the year begins, British Imperialiam and the Free State remain at war with Irish Republicans and our communities. Repression and harassment of Republicans across the 32 counties has been stepped up and MI5 are given a free hand to carry our their nefarious operations across Ireland. The British Military remains in open occupation of 6 Irish Counties and there are growing reports of unidentified British Soldiers engaging in operations against Republican activists alongside the colonial militia, the RUC/PSNI. Yet despite all of the efforts of British imperialiam and the Free State, despite the surveillance, repression and harassment of Irish Republicans the struggle continues, the Revolutionary Armed Struggle in Ireland continues and despite all claims to the contrary, the Republican struggle is growing.
And it is because of this growth that Britain and the Free State wage a well oiled campaign of censorship against Revolutionary Republicans, ensuring Republican platforms are removed from social media and enforcing a virtual blackout of Republican activism in the corporate media. This campaign of censorship is carried out in the hope that the Republican Position will not be heard, but the continued growth of the Anti Imperialist Movement demonstrates that campaign is failing. The Revolutionary Socialist Republican Movement commits that in 2025 we will launch a number of new initiatives along side our monthly paper An Phoblacht Abú, to combat and resist British and Free State censorship and bring the Revolutionary Republican message to the Irish working class.
The corporate media is the tool of our oppressors. We need our own revolutionary media. The recent case of the portrayal of the Price Sisters, Irish Republican heros, in the ‘Say Nothing’ book and television programme demonstrates how the corporate media is used as a tool on the war against Irish Republicans. We take this opportunity to extend our solidarity and support to the veteran Republican Activist, Marion Price in the face of the current felon setting that no doubt originates from within the central corridors of the British Imperialist establishment.
The Free State election of November 2024 demonstrates that the numbers of people, particularly working class people, refusing to vote in the electoral circus continues to rise. The recent Free State election was the lowest turnout since 1922. This provides a number of important opportunities for Revolutionary Republicanism.
To achieve victory, the Revolutionary Irish Socialist Republican Movement must be rooted in and advance the struggles of the Irish Working Class. The growing numbers of people boycotting elections provide fertile ground for Republicans to begin building the Revolutionary Alternative to British Imperialiam and the Free State.
But to do this, Republican activists must bee rooted in our communities, engaging in Republican community activism and explaining the Revolutionary Republican Position and how it is of benefit to the working class. Throughout 2025, the Revolutionary Irish Socialist Republican Movement will continue and step up our community activism, embedding ourselves in working class communities across the country to take an active part in the struggles of those communities through our mass organisation Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and through the involvement of our members and supporters in tenants and residents associations, trade unions, sporting and cultural organisations. The 32 County All Ireland People’s Republic has to be built from the bottom up, begining by providing the vehicle for the class and national Liberation struggle in communities across Ireland.
As the Revolutionary movements continues to grow this work, building a real and organic base among the masses must be a key priority of the movement as it is essential for building strength in the short term and achieving revolutionary victory in the long term. In 2025 our movement will not be foud wanting on this front.
Along side the continued building of the fight for national liberation, class, cultural and economic resistance must also be developed as weapons in the fight against imperialism, providing more and more opportunities for people to become involved in the revolutionary struggle. Direct actions in the class struggle, to promote the Irish Language and Culture and against foreign Imperialist corporations in Ireland must be key parts of the activism of all Revolutionaries here in the year ahead. Acts of economic and cultural resistance against imperialism are a essential but all to often overlooked way to win the support and mobilise the working class into the struggle for freedom.
2025 will be an important year for the Revolutionary Socialist Republican Movement and the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution in Ireland. We appeal to all those who agree with our aims and objectives to get involved and help in any way you can. 2025 will be another year of Resistance, another year in the fight for the freedom of our Country and Our Class and another year closer to the inevitable British Withdrawal and the Reestablishment of the 32 County All Ireland People’s Republic, Proclaimed in Arms in 1916. We are ready and willing to play our part. Are you?
Beir Bua,
Tiocfaidh Ár Lá
An Lár Choiste
Irish Socialist Republicans.