Anti Imperialist Action Ireland salute and extend our congratulations to the Palestinian National Resistance and the Palestinian People on the victory of the Al-Aqsa Flood in Gaza. In particular, we extend our solidarity to our comrades the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, commending the leading role that you have played in the fight for National Liberation and the defeat of Zionism and Imperialism.
For 15 months, since the glorious October 7 2023, the Palestinian Resistance and the Palestinian People have been engaged in a heroic fight for their freedom and have demonstrated before the world that Resistance and the Revolutionary Armed Struggle is the only path to liberation for an oppressed and occupied people and Nation.
Faced with the strength of the United Front of Palestinian Resistance Factions, under the leadership of a Joint Operations Room, committed to wage the war until victory, the terrorist Zionist Entity resorted to a campaign of genocide funded, armed and supported on the ground by the Imperialists in the United States, Britain and Europe. Despite this campaign of genocide against the people of Gaza, the Palestinian Resistance and the Palestinian People stood firm and asserted their right to sovereignty through their Arms, their Actions on the Battlefield and through the blood and sacrifice of the Martyrs.
Salute the Axis of Resistance!
While the Zionist criminals were backed by Imperialism, Palestine did not stand alone. The victory of Al-Aqsa Flood was contributed to by the military actions of Hezbollah and the People of Lebanon led by the great martyr Hassan Nasrallah who also inflicted a great defeat on the Zionist Invasion of Lebanon, by the heroic Ansarallah movement in Yemen and by the Resistance in Iraq, all of whom demonstrated the true and genuine meaning of Revolutionary Solidarity through the barrels of their guns and the blades of their drones.
Around the world, millions of people marched in support of the Palestinian People, isolating Zionism on the international stage. This work must be continued and despite the ceasefire in Gaza, the Boycott and direct actions against the illegal Zionist Occupation of Palestine must continue.
With the Ceasefire in Gaza the Palestinian Resistance have achieved a massive victory, which is leading to the release of Palestinian Political Prisoners that have been tortured and Brutalised in the Zionist Prisons. While the People of Gaza have been through unimaginable suffering as a result of the Zionist Campaign of Genocide, Gaza still stands and under the terms of the Ceasefire the Zionists must withdraw. Gaza will remain and will be rebuilt as a liberated zone under the control of the Palestinian Resistance and Revolution.
All Support to the Resistance and the People of the West Bank!
Yet, while we welcome the Ceasefire in Gaza and this great victory of the Palestinian People, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland call on all supporters of Palestine to continue to stand with the West Bank.
Before the ink was even dry on the Gaza Ceasefire Agreement, the Zionists turned their attention to the West Bank, targeting the Palestinian Resistance and People, particularly in Jenin, a hotbed of Resistance.
Betrayed once again by the pro-Zionist Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, the People of Jenin are mounting a heroic struggle against the Zionist terrorists. The Ceasefire does not apply to the West Bank where Zionism continues its crimes and where the Resistance, led on the ground by Sarya Al-Quds, continues it’s heroic fight for National Liberation, all while the international community and the world’s media turn a blind eye.
The ingenuity of the Resistance has been demonstrated by the recent fight against the Occupation led by the Resistance in Jenin and the surrounding Palestinian communities and through the heroic stabbing and run over operations, carried out by Resistance Fighters against Colonial Settlers in so-called ‘Tel Aviv’. Such operations demonstrated that the Resistance can strike at the very core of the Zionist Entity and that the fight for Palestinian Freedom will continue until inevitable victory!
The Next Steps for Palestine!
The heroic Al-Aqsa Flood has asserted the right of Palestinian Freedom and Sovereignty. It has demonstrated the unity of the Palestinian Resistance and People and it has demonstrated the weakness of the Zionist Entity, a colony that would collapse without the support of Imperialism, particularly US and British Imperialiam.
The Pro-Zionist Palestinian Authority based in the West Bank have demonstrated that they do not, and cannot represent the Palestinian People nor can they play a constructive role in, let alone lead, the fight for Freedom.
Now is the time to implement the call of the Resistance to form a National Unity Government in Palestine led by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the PFLP, and including all the Palestinian Resistance Factions. It will be the role of this National Unity Government to direct the rebuilding of Gaza, lead the growing Resistance in the West Bank and occupied interior, continuing the fight for Palestinian National Liberation until victory!
The Lessons for Ireland!
The Al-Aqsa Flood has set the example and laid down many lessons for Ireland, both for our own ongoing fight for National Liberation and for the future or our Palestinian Solidarity Movement.
For our National Liberation Struggle, the Al-Aqsa Flood has demonstrated, in the words of James Connolly and Peader O’Donnell, that despite the world believing a Revolutionary struggle has been defeated ‘We Shall Rise Again!’ and ‘There will be Another Day!’
Our struggle is in the phase of rebuilding itself and must learn from the Al-Aqsa Flood.
We must learn that Resistance is the only path to Freedom, in Palestine, in Ireland and in every oppressed and occupied Country.
We must learn that although our Resistance Movement faces a militarily and technologically superior enemy, with the backing of International Imperialism, the cause of Irish Freedom and Sovereignty can be driven forward with the correct Revolutionary Strategy and Tactics, through the commitment to the path of Resistance, through the cooperation of the Republican Resistance Factions in a United, Anti Imperialist Broad Front, built around a common Revolutionary Republican Programme, through the mobilisation of the People into the struggle and through the development of international links willing to take an active role in supporting Irelands fight for Freedom.
Irish Republicans can take no higher act of Solidarity with Palestinians than to study these lessons of the Al-Aqsa Flood and implement them here, to greatly strengthen our National Liberation Struggle.
For the Palestinian Solidarity Movement in Ireland, the Al-Aqsa Flood has also thought us many lessons. The Al-Aqsa Flood demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of the Irish People support the Freedom of Palestine and are willing to take to the streets to demand it. However, the last 15 months have also shown clearly that the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign are not fit for purpose or capable of leading the National Palestinian Solidarity Movement in Ireland. Instead of standing firmly behind the Palestinian People and their National Resistance, the IPSC called for ceasfires when only Zionism would benifit, an end to the Armed Struggle, cosied up to parliamentarians who openly condemned the Resistance, gave voices to Liberals while silencing revolutionary Palestinian and Arab voices, backed the pro-Zionist Palestinian Authority and worked with Police in an attempt to Felon set Pro-Resistance Solidarity Activits.
While the IPSC is capable of calling thousands of people onto the streets for Palestine, even in the face of Zionist Genocide they refused to organise this mass movement to do anything more then march to empty parliament buildings to hear speeches from politicians.
This situation led to the formation of Revolutionary Solidarity Activist Groups across Ireland with an unashamedly Pro Resistance Line and a commitment to Direct action in support of the Palestinian Struggle. Groups such as Saoirse Don Phalaistín, Derry Socialist Republicans for Palestine, and Action for Palestine Ireland have led the way in building genuine revolutionary solidarity with Palestine through action not words. The community based Boycott of Zionist Goods developed in West Belfast along side the Community based protests maintained on a weekly basis in working class communities in Dublin for the last 15 months are also important examples of how the Irish Solidarity Movement should be built and developed going forward.
With the IPSC refusing to support the Resistance, the time has now come for a new National Palestinian Solidarity Movement that is explicitly Pro- Resistance, is committed to Direct Action and has its foundation in working class communities across Ireland. In the time ahead Anti Imperialist Action Ireland will continue our work with others of a like mind to build such a front.
For Irish and Palestinian National Liberation!
The last 15 months have shown the overwhelming support of the Irish People for Palestinian National Liberation. With the victory of the Resistance in Gaza, it is important all Irish supporters of Palestinian Freedom look to the struggle in our own country! AIA now call on all those who have taken to the streets for Palestine to turn your attention to the fight for Freedom in Ireland and become involved in our struggle for National Liberation here. Take up the cry: Resist Zionism- Resist British Rule!
The Palestinian Resistance has given example by ensuring the release of many Palestinian Political Prisoners. Many Irish supporters of Palestine might be surprised to learn that there are still Irish Republican Prisoners of War held in British and Free State Gaols across Ireland today. When you raise your voice to call for the Freedom of Palestinian Prisoners, shout also for the Republican POWs! In protesting for an end to the Zionist Occupation of Palestinian fight also to end the British Occupation and the ongoing Imperialist interference in Ireland.
As we take to the streets in the time ahead remember that from Ireland to Palestine it is one struggle against Imperialism- so play your part and take up the fight for both the liberation of Ireland and Palestine today!