Basque Political Prisoner Patxi Ruiz is now on Hungerstrike 22 days. For 12 of those days he had also engaged in a thirst strike against the inhuman prison conditions imposed by the spainish state and is demanding a return to the Basque Country and an amnesty for Basque Political Prisoners.
The revisionists leadership of ‘Sortu’ in the Basque Country have condemned Patxi and the mass movement that is growing up to support him and demand amnesty and freedom in the Basque Country.
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland condemns the actions of Sortu who have attempted to lead the Basque Resistance struggle to capitulation. We stand firmly and proudly with Patxi Ruiz, Amnistia Ta Askatasuna and all those In the Basque Country that continue to struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution
Weekly protests are being organised in Support of Patxi and we encourage all Republicans, Socialists, anarchists and progressives to support the protests or organise your own to send a clear message to the Spainish State that Ireland Stands with the Basque Struggle for Freedom!