In an act of coordinated censorship, Facebook have censored the page of Macradh- ISR Youth banning its admins and unpublishing the Revolutionary Youth Movement’s page.
Macradh- ISR Youth we’re established at Easter 2019 and since then have played a leading role organising the Revolutionary Youth to play a role in the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution, particularly in the fight against fascism, building a Revolutionary youth culture based on physical fitness and challenging British Imperialism and Free State Counter Revolution.
A Spokesperson for the Revolutionary Youth Movement said,’ Facebook has censored Macradh- Irish Socialist Republican Youth claiming that posts in honour of our patriot dead are in violation of its community standards. In reality Facebook is moving to attempt to remove the Revolutionary Socialist Republican Position from its platform. The unpublishing of Macradh follows the unpublishing of our Comrades Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and other Republican pages.
Such petty action will not silence or deter Macradh or the wider Socialist Republican Movement from pursuing our Revolutionary Objectives And Macradh will continue to organise where it matters, on the streets and in our communities.’
The spokesperson continued, ‘That Macradh has been targeted in this way demonstrates that its Revolutionary position is having an impact. We urge all young people aged between 15-25 to play their part in the National Liberation and Socialist Revolution by joining Macradh today. We urge our supporters to follow us on twitter and on Anti Imperialist Action as we continue to build the Revolutionary Youth Movement.
Macradh Abú!. ‘