
This Week In Struggle

The following is a roundup of some of the main activism undertaken by Socialist Republican activists this week:

On the Frontline fighting Homelessness

Socialist Republican Activists in Dublin remain on the frontline fighting homelessness and the wanton neglect of the most vulnerable in society by the Free State Counter Revolution. This week our activists exposed the lies of the Garrison Class in relation to Homelessness figures by revealing there are at least 100 people sleeping on through streets of Dublin each week. Our activists are committed to combatting and resisting the Counter Revolution and it’s deliberate policy to maintain homelessness.

Macradh takes to the Streets of Carlow

Macradh ISR Youth activists took to the streets of Carlow Town in South Leinster, building the profile of the Revolutionary Movement with a stickering Campaign. Anti Fascist stickers as well as ones commenting Commandant General Liam Mellows were distributed across the area that is steeped in Revolutionary Republican history.

Ranganna agus Clár Raidió Gaeilge

This week Anti Imperialist Action Ireland’s Coiste Ghaeilge launched a beginners Irish Language class for our members through the medium of Zoom. The classes will take place on a weekly basis and members can also avail on one to one language tutorials.

The classes are part of a wider strategy of promoting the Irish Language and Gaelicisation of the Revolutionary Movement, the progress of which can also be seen in the first Socialist Republican Radio Programme produced through completely through the medium of the Irish Language, which can be heard here:

Socialist Republican Radio

Activists in Dublin and Belfast continued to develop the new format of Socialist Republican Radio, with this weeks Programme discussing;

•The direct control of the Free State Police by MI5 and British Imperialism
•Moves to bring the British Army out from their Barracks and back to the frontline of the illegal Occupation in the Six Counties
•The need to build a United Front to combat and Resist Imperialism in Ireland
•The Irish Language and the need for a Cultural Revival

The show can be listened to here:

For a Red May 1st

Socialist Republicans across Ireland have started this year’s agitation for a Red May 1st, with a postering Campaign encouraging workers ti celebrate International Workers Day despite the restrictions

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