Socialist Republicans in East Belfast have erected Republican Stickers at the the offices of Local Members of Britain’s Colonial Administration, Naomi Long and Chris Lyttle.

The stickers at the office of the pro imperialist Alliance Party, commemorate IRA Commandant Liam Mellows, who fought against partition and the treaty of surrender in defence of Our Republic, and is emblazoned with his quote, ‘The Irish Republic is the People’s Republic’, sending a clear message that the British Occupation and it’s colonial assembly continue to be illegitimate in Ireland and will continue to be resisted.
Small, simple acts of Resistance Raise the conscious of our class and build the Revolutionary Movement.
Irish Socialist Republicans advocate a Boycott of Stormont, Westminster and Leinster House and Instead advocate the rebuilding of the All Ireland Republic that Mellows gave his life to defend, through the establishment of Resistance Committees, Centers of Resistance and Revolutionary Councils.
If your ready to play your part in the National Liberation and Socialist Revolution, in Belfast or anywhere else in Ireland then contact us.
Build the Active Boycott of Capitalism and Imperialism!
Elections No- Revolution Yes!
Britain Get Out of Ireland Now!
One reply on “#OurMandate #OurRepublic Direct Action in East Belfast”
Would these posters not have served better outside the offices of the DUP and OUP as well as AP? Great idea but the governing unionist party should have been hit as well.