Direct Action Against Brit Imperialists

On Monday January 11 Anti Imperialists carried out a direct action at a Brit Military facility in South Belfast. During the course of the action Brit security cameras, which are used in surveillance against the community were disabled.
Building Support in Dublin’s North City

On Tuesday members of AIAs Dublin City North Coiste continued to highlight the Socialist Republican position by erecting stickers across the community
For a Vibrant Socialist Republican Youth

Wednesday saw members of Macradh’s Coiste Áth Cliath active in the Tallaght area building up the Socialist Republican Youth to play a leading role in the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution
Solidarity with George Nkencho

Members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland were among hundreds that gathered in Blanchardstown tonight for the final day of the 14 days of mourning for George Nkencho, executed by the Garda on the 30th of December 2020.
Free Ahmad Sa’adat

On Friday AIA kicked of a week of Solidarity with Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the PFLP, with postering across Dublin. Members of Macradh ISR Youth have also launched a seven day solidarity fast demanding freedom for the leader of the Palestinian Revolution.
Supporting the Community against Anti Social Behavior

Following recent requests from local residents in the Mac Uilliam Estate in Tallaght, Anti Imperialist Action today held a walk around and leaflet drop in the area encouraging the community to come together to address the issue of anti social behavior in the estate.
Mac Uilliam, like Working Class estates across Ireland has been abandoned by the ruling class, who don’t care what happen in our communities. AIA believe however that the community acting together has the ability to find solutions to any issues faced by our class and that our class do not need to wait on the establishment to addresss them.
The leaflet encouraged parents to discuss the issue of Anti Social behavior with their children and explain the impact that such behavior can have on their neighbors and the wider community.
AIA will continue to work with residents and young people to find and develop local community alternatives to the anti social behavior and we encourage all local residents to come together to help end anti social behavior.