
Internment by remand and “licence revocation”

Once again as before in the cases of other socialist republicans, the imperialist regime so beloved of the counter revolutionary has targeted a political and community activist for having the audacity to resist, speaking out espousing any form of opposition to the regime is punished by incarceration.

Jason Ceulemans has been taken from his home by the armed paramilitary thugs of the RUC, a gang supported and enabled by the counter revolutionary party SF.

Indeed SF standing so quietly by is reminiscent of the SDLP of the 70s and 80s, so readily vilified by SF at the time, Jason had his “licence” revoked a word and attitude that brings to mind the apartheid of South Africa, no Irish Socialist Republican or political / community activist needs a “licence” to live within their family, community or society in general.

This terminology is a blatant attempt at criminalisation and normalisation of the regimes demonisation of resistance.
Imperialists fear the agitation of the masses by an educated and articulate cohort of revolutionary resistance groups and individuals.
We are a risen people, we will prevail, the only thing we have to lose is the shackles of imperialism!

Revolt Resist!

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