
🟢⚫ Stop the Extradition of Irish Republicans- Free Seán Walsh Now!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland reiterates our call for the immediate release of Seán Walsh and an end to the extradition of All Irish Republicans.

At the behest of British Imperialiam and it’s terrorist agency MI5, the Free State administration have held Cork Republican Seán Walsh in Portlaoise Prison for 4 years without crime or trial.

This week as part of Seán’s fight against British Extradition, his solicitors appeared is to before the the European Courts in Luxembourg and argued that Extradition to the Occupied 6 Counties would be a gross breach of Seán’s Human Rights, due to the wide ranging changes to the British Justice System under the terms of Brexit. The court is to rule next month on if the Free State should comply with the orders of British Imperialiam.

It should be noted that Seán is the only Republican currently facing extradition that is interned, with others being freed on bail. No Irish Republican should be extradited on the orders of British Imperialiam. Seán should be immediately released and the Free State should immediately drop the Extradition cases against all Irish Republicans before the courts.

As Irish Republicans we know that no Republican can find justice in British Occupied Ireland. For the Free State to go through with any extradition of Irish Republicans is not only a betrayal of our country and our people, but in reality an unforgivable human rights crime.

Seán Walsh’s case is now in the critical moment. In the weeks ahead, all Republicans regardless of organisational affiliation must raise their voice against the Extradition of Irish Republicans. Demanding the release of Seán Walsh is something that all Republicans across the 32 Counties can unite around. While it is Seán Walsh today it could be any Irish Republican that British Imperialiam decides to target tomorrow.

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland will be stepping up our Anti extradition campaign in the weeks ahead and are willing to work with all Genuine Republicans on this issue

Stop the Extradition of Irish Republicans- Free Seán Walsh Now!

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