On the Election of Bobby Sands: How a tactical short term victory was turned into a strategic defeat for the Revolution

The following opinion piece has been submitted by a supporter of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland, to mark the anniversary of the Election of Volunteer Bobby Sands to the as yet unconstituted Revolutionary 3rd All Ireland Dáil in 1981. We publish it in the hope of generating debate among the Republican Base. On April 9 1981, […]

Anti Imperialist Action Commemoration in Armagh

Despite the current lock down supporters and friends of Anti Imperialist Action paid their respects to the volunteers of Armagh who gave the ultimate sacrifice for Irish freedom. A bouquet of flowers was laid in respect of the Volunteers of the IRA & INLA who took the fight directly to the perennial enemy. AIA commemorate […]

Irish Socialist Republicans – Easter Statement 2020

The Leadership of Irish Socialist Republicans extends revolutionary greetings to our members, friends and supporters at home and abroad. In particular we send greetings to our mass organisations Anti Imperialist Action and Macradh- Irish Socialist Republican Youth. We salute your ongoing efforts to rebuild the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution across Ireland. Irish […]


Macrete- Stop Exploiting Workers

Workers at Macrete Ireland Ltd in Toombridge County Antrim have contacted AIA to request our assistance highlight the exploitative actions of the company. Macrete, owned by the Hogg Family, has refused to furlough its workers, claiming it is involved in essential work and has refused to supply PPE or implement 2m social distancing on site. […]


The Week in Struggle

Irish Socialist Republicans across Ireland have continued to agitate, educate and organise for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution. The following is a summary of activism in recent days: All Ireland Rent and Mortgage Strike! Irish Socialist Republicans have continued to take to the streets to raise the Popular demand for an All Ireland Rent and […]


“Civilize the mind and make savage the body”

(The following is an opinion piece by a member of the Starry Plough Martial Arts Club) There is no doubting that with the Corona virus pandemic of 2020 the state in the 26 counties will introduce and has introduced legislation that will be used in the future against political opponents and who the state deem […]


The Week in Struggle

Over the past seven days’ as the crisis of capitalism deepend and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic led to a lockdown across the 32 counties, Irish Socialist Republicans have continued to agitate, educate and organise the working class to combat and resist exploitation and oppression. Below is a review of just a selection of the activism […]


Capitalism is the Virus! Socialist Revolution the Only Cure!

Capitalism is in crisis. The situation we are currently witnessing around the world was not created by the Coronavirus, but through an international economic collapse, a capitalist crisis of over production.  The Coronavirus has merely sharpened the contradiction. The virus, although a serous public health concern, especially for the elderly, the vulnerable and those with underlying health conditions, at the same time has provided a smoke screen […]


Coronavirus Crisis: The Socialist Republican Response

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus crisis, Socialist Republicans have been applying the mass line to formulate a Proletarian response on an All Ireland basis. The Ten Demands! The response began with the drafting of a set of 10 demands for the Irish Working Class to unite behind, to combat and resist the exploitation of […]


Coronavirus Crisis- The Ten Demands!

#ClassWar Coronavirus- Fight Back! With tens of thousands of workers now laid off and having engaged with many of these workers and with working class communities, Anti Imperialist Action is issuing the following 10 demands in light of the growing crisis The Irish Working Class need to Organise and stand together Now!


Open All Vacant Housing Units Across Ireland Now!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is demanding the immediate opening of all vacant housing units across the 32 Counties to house our growing homeless community in the face of the spread of the Coronavirus.  The homeless are particularly vulnerable to this virus and immediate steps should be taken to provide long term housing solutions to protect […]


All Ireland Freeze on Loan, Rent and Mortgage Payments Now!

Anti Imperialist Action is demanding there is an immediate freeze on all loan, rent and mortgage payments for the duration of the crisis, to alleviate the hardship of Workers, Families and Communities. The Free State and British Imperialism in Ireland have failed to mount a proper response to the virus. Communities must step in and […]


Free State Has failed On Coronavirus- Time for Community Action!

Prepare for the Coronavirus- Build Community Solidarity The Coronavirus is likely to hit our community. Instead of panicking it’s time to get organised. The Committee for the rich in Leinster House have failed to make any preparations for the spread of the virus. They don’t care if it effects workers and our families, so long […]


1916 Rising Wreath Laying- Armagh City

To mark the 104th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic and the 1916 Rising, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is organising a wreath laying in Armagh City. The event will take place at 6pm assembling at the Toby Jug, for Wreath Laying at the 1916 Mural. We encourage all Republicans in the local area […]