Irish Socialist Republicans argue that the housing and homelessness crisis in Ireland is a deliberate act of policy by the Garrison Class in Ireland to drive up super profits for the parasitic landlords and Imperialist vultures that “own” the private housing stock in Ireland. Today, in the third of our new series of Interviews with […]
The following is part 3 of a series of personal opinion pieces by Irish Socialist Republican Seán Doyle, discussion the need for revolutionaries to break with electoralism and reformism, and try new approaches to rebuild the All- Ireland Socialist Republic. I have chosen construction terms as a fitting example to explain my view of the […]
Brave Billy McKee

A tribute to Volunteer Billy McKee, written by an Irish socialist Republican, on hearing of death 12/6/19 Brave Billy McKee, the guerrilla leader, is now gone, But for the cause that he served, the struggle goes on, The fight must continue, until we are free, That’s the sole tribute fitting for Billy McKee. Let his […]
Irish Socialist Republicans believe that a central plank of what James Connolly termed the Reconquest of Ireland, of the struggle for National Liberation and Socialism, is the Reconquest of the Irish Language. Continuing our series of Interviews to highlight the depth of mass work and community organising and activism Irish Socialist Republicans are involved in, […]

The following is a two part personal opinion piece by Irish Socialist Republican, Seán Doyle, on the roll of electoralism in revolutionary struggle. The first piece was written on polling day 2019, while the second was written following the declaration of the election results. Part 1- 24/05/2019. I’m not going to mention the escalating depravity […]
An Interview with a Macradh Activist

Macradh- Irish Socialist Republican Youth, was established at Easter 2019 as the youth wing of Irish Socialist Republicans. The organisation is a part of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and provides a vehicle to organise the youth of Ireland in the struggle for National Liberation and Socialism. In its founding statement, Macradh asserted that ” The […]
Irish Socialist Republican Radio- 3/6/19
#SocialistRepublicanRadio On this week’s programme we discuss: The Ballymurphy massacre, the Trump Visit and US Imperialism in Shannon Airport, #Bringittotheirdoors, A Walk through Aleppo, Bodenstown 2019
While there is usually widespread coverage in the Garrison Media at the increasing number of annual visits to Ireland by Charles Windsor and his offspring, very little attention is given in the same columns to the sinister activities of his sister Anne. Brit Imperialist Anne Windsor with the Irish Lights Irish Socialist Republicans can today […]
Brit Navy Get Out Of Ireland
Irish Socialist Republicans have consistently highlighted and protested against the presence of the British Navy in Irish Costal waters and ports. The Brit Navy has been making regular unwanted incursions into Irish Waters and more and more frequent visits to Irish Ports. In April Irish Socialist Republicans highlighted the presence of a number of British […]
Socialist Republican Radio Archive

The Socialist Republican Radio Archive has been created by our Comrades at Redspark, providing podcasts of some of the previous editions of ISR Radio on Youtube. To listen to the podcasts click on the following link: New Radio Programmes will be released in the coming days, so check back soon!
Britain’s “Justice”

A poem by a Macradh activist highlighting the atrocities committed by the British army here in Ireland Britain’s “justice” You came here in your war tanksTo bring your so called peace Yet you murdered our civilians And drag their bodies across the streets BallymurphySpringhill Bloody SundayThe list goes on and on Every day you spend in Ireland you commit […]
Republic or Reform?

*the following is an opinion piece sent into the page. Since the illegal partition of Ireland by a Westminster Act of Parliament the Irish republican movement have had two major tenets. These are i) opposition to the unionist veto and ii) armed struggle against British rule in Ireland. Every decade since partition a section of […]

Welcome to SOCIALIST REPUBLICAN MEDIA, the online platform of Irish Socialist Republicans, Macradh- Irish Socialist Republican Youth and Anti Imperialist Action Ireland. As this platform develops, it will be home to The Socialist Republican Blog, Irish Socialist Republican Radio, Irish Socialist Republican TV as well hosting opinion pieces from friends and supporters of thee struggle […]