
Marxist movie making and the Corona Crisis with PROLEKULT

we spoke with Marxist media platform PROLEKULT about how they produce engaging communist visual content and analysis.

we also asked them about what is happening with the coronas crisis, including the UK government response and the impending financial crash – as well as what our political response should be.

Prolekult is a Marxist film, writing and culture platform based in England. The purpose of the project is to provide high-quality film content looking at world politics, culture and economics.

we asked PROLEKULT how they make Marxist films, what the response from the people has been and how this fits with in a wider communist movement.

we next discussed the the ongoing corona crisis with them.

we asked what the UK government response has been – namely eugenics and austerity, and what the upcoming financial crisis soon to hit the world will look like.

finally we talked about what our political response should be to all this.

You can find more of PROLEKULT analysis and video content on Twitter and YouTube.

you can also support them on patreon

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