
AIA participate in Mass Anti Racism Demo at US Embassy

Irish Socialist Republicans participated in yesterday’s Black Lives Matter demonstration at the US Embassy in Dublin in a demonstration of solidarity with the oppressed Black Brown And Native People of North America. 

Members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh- ISR Youth attended the event forming a Socialist Republican Bloc, carrying Starry Plough Flags and a large banner that read ‘Fight Racism- US Imperialism Out Of Shannon’.

The banner was well received by the large crowd with a number of people approaching the Socialist Republican bloc to express their support for the message and others asking to take photos of the banner.

That the US Military continues to use Shannon Airport as an operations base, facilitated by the Free State Garrison Class, should become a focal point for all who want to demonstrate practical solidarity with the Uprising in the USA. 

Many members of the crowd also held placards with ‘End Direct Provision’ written on them, a demand fully endorsed by Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and is another key area where Irish People can take proactive Anti Racist Action by building a mass, Popular Campaign to End Direct Provision and ensure the integration of Refugees as a welcome part of communities. 

The vast majority of those in attendance were young people, demonstrating that the rising youth in Ireland will stand against racism and imperialism. 

Anti Imperialist Action stands with the People’s Uprising against the Racist, Colonialist and Imperialist USA and will continue to campaign and take action in support of the growing resistance. 

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