

In the last 24 hours, the pro Zionist multi national corporation Facebook, has censored the pages of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland, removed them without giving any reason from its social media platform, and banned admins of our Social Media Accounts for posting in support of the Palestinian Resistance. This is the fourth time in as many years that Facebook has removed the platform of AIA in what is a concerted campaign to silence Irish Socialist Republicanism.

While Facebook has continually restricted the page of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland for our unrepentant and unapologetic Irish Socialist Republican position, a page that had a following of 12,000 people, the removal of the latest incarnation of our page comes as part of a Facebook campaign to silence support for the Palestinian Resistance and comes following an All Ireland Day of Action by our activists on Saturday May 15 in support of the People of Palestine. In particular, Facebook continues to target AIA for our open support of our comrades, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who are engaged in a war for National Liberation, Socialism and the Right of Return in their homeland.

Facebook censorship will fail and will not silence our support for the Palestinian cause, for the inspiring Palestinian Resistance or for our comrades the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and in the coming weeks, we will be stepping up our Palestinian Solidarity actions across the country. The removal of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland from Facebook only further serves to highlight the Anti Republican and pro Zionist nature of this imperialist multi national, and we encourage people to keep up to date with our activities by following us on twitter and here on our website.

For National Liberation and Socialist Revolution in Ireland and Palestine!

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