
Liam Lynch, Chief of Staff Irish Republican Army, remembered in the Knockmealdown Mountains

Yesterday in the Knockmealdown Mountains at the site of the monument to Liam Lynch, Munster members of Anti-Imperialist Action joined others in commemorating a fallen hero, Liam Lynch then chief of staff of the IRA was shot and fatally wounded by counter revolutionary forces armed and resourced by the imperialist British regime.

The orator Tomas Mac Conmara spoke of Lynch’s commitment to Irish Freedom his astute political and social analysis and his forthright opposition to the occupation and oppression of Ireland.

Lynch despite the revisionist interpretation by the Free State of his politics and actions was by no means a zealot or fanatic, his political opinion and opposition as important today as it was 99 years ago.

Our Munster members were impressed by the turnout but more so by the support spoken of the development of building acquisitions by the Revolutionary Housing League, the recent development of Ionad Cathal Brugha raising a cheer by a number of long standing Irish Revolutionaries from around Munster and some further afield.

This discussion of the need for politics of action and resistance to imperialism welcome in its support for the RHL and Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland.

One person attending a revolutionary in his 80s spoke of the need for a return to true opposition of the occupation and subjugation of Ireland, an end to the “cap in hand forelock tugging” electoralism or Border polls and seats in “subjugated false parliaments and institutions” and the development of an Irish Republican Movement worthy of the support of men like Liam Lynch and Cathal Brugha.

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