
The Alarming Transformation: Sinn Fein from Revolutionaries to a New Vichy-Type Regime

A Republican ex-POW gives an opinion on Sinn Féin and the new Vichy Regime.

In the world of politics, the rise and fall of movements can be swift and unpredictable. One such disconcerting shift is occurring as a once-heralded revolutionary political party takes an unsettling turn toward resembling a new Vichy-type regime. The journey from being perceived as “Irish revolutionaries” to embodying characteristics reminiscent of collaborationist governments raises concerns about the true nature of the movement and its impact on democracy, governance and the prospect of revolutionary change in Ireland.

The political party in question emerged on the scene built upon the revolutionary armed campaign of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (Provos) and the sacrifice of those tortured and imprisoned in British hell holes as Political Prisoners Of War, with promises of positive change, social justice, and a commitment to inclusivity, encompassed in a United Socialist Republic built on the ideals and aspirations of previous phases of the struggle. Initially celebrated for their progressive ideals and seemingly genuine concern for the well-being of the people, and the centuries long desire for an Ireland free of the imperialist interference and oppression of Britian, the party gained significant support, both domestically and internationally. However, recent developments suggest a departure from these revolutionary beginnings.

One of the alarming shifts observed in the party is the erosion of democratic revolutionary and solidarity based values that were once central to their ideology. As the party consolidates power, signs of authoritarianism become increasingly apparent. The suppression of dissent, attacks on the media, and the attacks on independent opinions and groups, the recent physical removal of Palestinians from a meeting about Palestine are symbolic of fascism and raise concerns about the erosion of the very democratic principles the party claimed to champion during its early days.

Another disconcerting aspect of the transformation is the emergence of selective justice and political purges reminiscent of historical collaborationist regimes. Opposition by figures within its own ranks and external groups and individuals, once allies in the struggle for change, are now labelled as enemies of the “Movement” or indeed Agents of the British and subjected to online and physical persecution. This departure from revolutionary struggle and solidarity to a more exclusive and vindictive approach is alarming for those who had initially supported and in some cases suffered physically for the party for its promise of justice and equality.

The party’s shift towards aligning itself with authoritarian powers on the global stage is raising eyebrows. From cozying up to regimes known for suppressing dissent to adopting policies that mirror those of autocratic governments, the movement that once championed human rights and freedom is embracing a troubling alliance with regimes that stand in stark contrast to their original values, taking the salute of the paramilitary force that continues to be the face and arm of the oppressor against our communities and indeed using that very force as personal security.

While the party initially advocated for economic reforms that aimed to uplift the marginalised, recent economic policies suggest a worrying collusion with corporate interests. The transformation from championing the rights of the working class to implementing policies that favour the elite raises questions about the party’s commitment to its foundational principles and the well-being of the broader population.

The evolution of a once-promising revolutionary political party into a new Vichy-type regime serves as a cautionary tale. The erosion of democratic values, selective justice, alignment with authoritarian powers, and economic policies favouring the elite all contribute to a growing sense of disillusionment among those who initially supported the movement. As observers, it is essential to remain vigilant and critically assess the actions and policies of political entities, even those that initially present themselves as champions of positive change. The fate of a nation often hinges on the choices made by those in power, and the deviation from a noble cause to a collaborationist path demands a thorough examination and public discourse.

Oppose the Vichy Regime!

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