
No British Troops in Irish Hospitals

As British Ministers at stormont call for the British Military to be mobilised to man hospitals in Occupied Ireland, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland reassert that there is no role for the British Military in Ireland and they presence of the British Military in Ireland will continue to be resisted. Calls for British troops to be […]


Report from the LLL Demonstration

Irish Socialist Republicans were proud to be present in Berlin on Sunday, marching in the Internationalist Collective Berlin bloc in the Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg Demonstration to remember the heroic sacrifice of the workers massacred in the Spartacist uprising and of their leaders, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. Two Starry Ploughs were flown by the ISR delegation, a flag that represents the […]


Rising Violence Against Women is an Unacceptable Reality of Capitalism and Imperialism. Socialist Revolution is the Only Solution.

This morning, Ireland woke up to the shocking news that a young primary school teacher had been brutally murdered in Tullamore, Offaly in a random attack. 23-year-old Aisling Murphy was jogging in broad daylight on the canal in Tullamore, just an hour after finishing teaching first class students in a local primary school, when she […]


The Murrintown Brigade Martyrs

Remembering Murrintown Brigade IRA Volunteers Bernie Radford and Con McCarthy who were killed by Counter Revolutionaries on this day – 10th of January 1923. The Murrintown brigade of the IRA were billeted in a building on Rossister’s farm at Spencerstown (Spelcherstown) in Rathangan when a Free State force using intelligence from an Informer surrounded the […]


Galway City: Organise against the Free State’s largest private landlord firm plundering our communities.

The largest landlord corporation in the 26 county state is moving into the Galway city housing market. They already own four thousand united of housing, and are still looking to expand. This parasitical organisation seeks to gentrify the city by increase the rent of existing property and marketing it as “luxury” housing in order to […]


Guest Polemic: Liberalism, Imperialism, and the Myth of the Fanatic Or; Are Conflicts in Colonized Countries “Religious Wars?”

The following article has been written by as a guest polemic by a supporter of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland ‘For as long as anyone can remember, Protestant fanatics and Catholic fanatics have been blowing each other up for no good reason in Ireland. They do this because they are both obsessively attached to their own […]


“The Fisherman would be Destroyed Too”: An Analysis of Fishermen in the Free State and the Philippines.

The following analysis of the plight of Fishermen in the Free State and the Philippines has been contributed by an International supporter of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland. AIA continues to stand with the Fishing Communities. “Well, we heard about Ireland wanting to join the EEC as it was called then. I wasn’t sure what it […]


In Memory of Seán Sabhat and Fergal O’Hanluain

On a bleak new years day in 1957, two brave soldiers of the republic were brutally shot dead by RUC members, in a raid that had gone drastically wrong, the two men are now forever remebered in word, poem and song. Sean Sabhat was born John South on the 8th of February 1928, in 47 […]


Irish Socialist Republicans New Year Statement, 2022

The Leadership of Irish Socialist Republicans extends Revolutionary greetings to our members and supporters across Ireland and abroad. In particular we commend the work of our mass organisations Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh- ISR Youth for their work over the past 12 months and their unfailing commitment to rebuilding the struggle for National Liberation […]


Unite Under Maoism!

The following statement was first published on the website of the journal Communist International on December 26 2021, as a rallying call on the Birthday of Chairman Mao. It can be read here: Proletarians of all countries, unite! UNITE UNDER MAOISM! Chairman Mao Zedong was born on December 26, 1893, and throughout his life […]


James Fintan Lalor- Revolutionary Socialist Republican

To mark the 132nd anniversary of the Revolutionary Socialist Republican James Fintan Lalor, a young Irish Socialist Republican pays tribute to him with a new biographical article. Early Life and education James Fintan Lalor was born in Tenakill House in Raheen County Laois on March 10th 1807 to Patrick Lalor and Anne Dillon. His father […]


Breithlá Shona Chairman Mao!

‘Only by achieving national liberation will it be possible for the proletariat and other working people to achieve their own emancipation.’ – Chairman Mao Breithlá Shona Chairman Mao Zedong. Today Socialist Republicans celebrate the birth of the Great Leader of the Chinese Revolution, which defeated imperialism in China and then native Counter Revolutions before embarking […]


Liam Mellows Oration 2021

• Delivered at the Four Martyrs Commemoration, Castletown Co. Wexford, Saturday, December 11. Liam Mellows was born on May 25, 1895 in Manchester, England to William Joseph Mellows a sargeant in the British army and Sarah Jordan, of Inch, Co. Wexford. His father was transferred, with his family, to Dublin. During Liam’s early years in […]


Four Martyrs: Remembering Rory O’Connor

At 8am on December 8 1922, Commandant General Rory O’Connor, Irish Republican Army was led before a firing squad in Mountjoy Gaol and executed by the Free State Administration, doing the work of British Imperialism to suppress the All Ireland Republic proclaimed in 1916. With this execution the Free State put down one of the […]