
O’Neills Sportswear- The choice of the Brit Army

It has now been exposed that Irish company O’Neills Sportswear is collaborating with the illegal forces of the British Occupation in our country by producing sports jerseys for sports teams in sections of the Brit War Machine.

O’Neills have produced jerseys for the Brit Army, Navy and Airforce, the very Military that enforce the occupation and partition of our country through force of arms, making the company willing collaborators in the ongoing illegal occupation of Ireland.

Added to this, O’Neills is producing Poppy Jerseys for British Sports teams, glorifying Imperialism and it’s wars of conquest, while at the same time refusing to produce commemorative jerseys for Irish Republican Martyrs or the sporting organisations named in their honour.

The actions of O’Neills Sportswear demonstrate which side they are on and where there allegiance lie. The correct action for all Irish Republicans and Anti Imperialists is to Boycott O’Neills until they stop collaborating with Brit Imperialism.

Shame on O’Neills- they have the blood of Irish Citizens on their hands.

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