
Education: Women in Ireland- Republican Lecture Series No.8 (1984)

This short pamphlet, originally published as part of an internal Sinn Féin education series called Republican Lectures in 1984, is an excellent explanation of the basis of women’s oppression in Ireland and the relationship between the Women’s and Republican Movements from a Socialist Republican perspective. WOMEN IN IRELAND REPUBLICAN LECTURE SERIES NO.8 1984   THIS […]


Socialist Republican Solidarity with the League of Poor Peasants Brazil and the Agrarian Revolution

In recent weeks Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has been leading a campaign of solidarity highlighting the revolutionary work of the League of Poor Peasants in Brazil the organisation leading the Agrarian Revolution and organising the Peasants to take back their land. The League of Poor Peasants arose following the Battle of Santa Elina on August […]


Anti Imperialist Day of Action in Waterford

On Saturday January 15, comrades from AIA Waterford and other AIA comrades from elsewhere in the country converged on Waterford City for a day of action. The day started started with leafleting and a vigil in Red Square in support of Palestinian Political prisoner and General Secretary for the Popular Front for the Liberation Of […]


In memory of Menandro “Ka Bok” Villanueva

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends its sombre condolences to the family, comrades, and friends of Menandro “Ka Bok” Villanueva, the national Commander of the heroic New People’s Army. We understand that his passing must be a devastating and terrible loss for all of our Filipino comrades in the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s […]


No British Troops in Irish Hospitals

As British Ministers at stormont call for the British Military to be mobilised to man hospitals in Occupied Ireland, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland reassert that there is no role for the British Military in Ireland and they presence of the British Military in Ireland will continue to be resisted. Calls for British troops to be […]


Report from the LLL Demonstration

Irish Socialist Republicans were proud to be present in Berlin on Sunday, marching in the Internationalist Collective Berlin bloc in the Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg Demonstration to remember the heroic sacrifice of the workers massacred in the Spartacist uprising and of their leaders, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. Two Starry Ploughs were flown by the ISR delegation, a flag that represents the […]


Rising Violence Against Women is an Unacceptable Reality of Capitalism and Imperialism. Socialist Revolution is the Only Solution.

This morning, Ireland woke up to the shocking news that a young primary school teacher had been brutally murdered in Tullamore, Offaly in a random attack. 23-year-old Aisling Murphy was jogging in broad daylight on the canal in Tullamore, just an hour after finishing teaching first class students in a local primary school, when she […]


The Murrintown Brigade Martyrs

Remembering Murrintown Brigade IRA Volunteers Bernie Radford and Con McCarthy who were killed by Counter Revolutionaries on this day – 10th of January 1923. The Murrintown brigade of the IRA were billeted in a building on Rossister’s farm at Spencerstown (Spelcherstown) in Rathangan when a Free State force using intelligence from an Informer surrounded the […]


Galway City: Organise against the Free State’s largest private landlord firm plundering our communities.

The largest landlord corporation in the 26 county state is moving into the Galway city housing market. They already own four thousand united of housing, and are still looking to expand. This parasitical organisation seeks to gentrify the city by increase the rent of existing property and marketing it as “luxury” housing in order to […]


Revolutionary Board Game Design Jam

Would you like to try making tools to teach revolutionary theory? Do you like games, designing and playing them? Do you want to collaborate a chat with comrades from around the world on a fun challenge? We are organising a design jam – a collaborative design session – to make revolutionary political board games together. […]


Guest Polemic: Liberalism, Imperialism, and the Myth of the Fanatic Or; Are Conflicts in Colonized Countries “Religious Wars?”

The following article has been written by as a guest polemic by a supporter of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland ‘For as long as anyone can remember, Protestant fanatics and Catholic fanatics have been blowing each other up for no good reason in Ireland. They do this because they are both obsessively attached to their own […]


Political-military board game design, with Brian Train

Board games have been a tool for us to understand and hone political-military power since ancient times. From Chess and Go to Kreigsspiel in 1870s Prussia to modern “Wargaming Fight Clubs” practiced by Imperialist army officers today, abstracting out the principles of how you apply military force to impose political power has long been an […]


“The Fisherman would be Destroyed Too”: An Analysis of Fishermen in the Free State and the Philippines.

The following analysis of the plight of Fishermen in the Free State and the Philippines has been contributed by an International supporter of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland. AIA continues to stand with the Fishing Communities. “Well, we heard about Ireland wanting to join the EEC as it was called then. I wasn’t sure what it […]


In Memory of Seán Sabhat and Fergal O’Hanluain

On a bleak new years day in 1957, two brave soldiers of the republic were brutally shot dead by RUC members, in a raid that had gone drastically wrong, the two men are now forever remebered in word, poem and song. Sean Sabhat was born John South on the 8th of February 1928, in 47 […]