*Facebook Censors Seamus Costello Memorial Committee.“ The Seamus Costello Memorial Committee has been censored by Facebook just days before the 42nd Anniversary of the great Socialist Republican. For the second time in as many months, the Facebook group of the memorial committee has been removed without warning from the social media platform, with no explanation […]
Category: AIA
Irish Socialist Republicans assert that Britain’s Border poll is an Imperialist tool, designed to pacify the growing resistance in Ireland, channel it away from Revolutionary Political Action into the cul-de-sac of Reformism and condem the struggle of the Irish People for National Liberation and Socialism to nothing more than an aspiration. The Border Poll must […]
Free Chairman Gonzalo!
Abimael Guzman, better known to the world as Chairman Gonzalo, is the 84 year old imprisoned leader of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), the Peruvian Revolution and is currently serving two life sentences in Callo Naval Base, Peru, for his leadership of the Protracted People’s War in the Country throughout the 1980s and early […]
Digital Dystopia
This is a warning to all of us, including revolutionary forces, who have accepted the Internet as an indispensable part of our lives and our struggles. The computers, the Internet and technology do indeed have a progressive history. The original computers were invented by the working class – blacksmith and weavers, before being appropriated it by aristocrat businessman. […]
The following article is an account by an Irish Socialist Republican who was centrally involved in the defence of the recent Irish Unity march that came under heavy attack by Loyalists and British Crown Forces in Glasgow. As several hundred Republican, antifascists and other various supporters of Irish Unity gathered for a peaceful demonstration in […]
Who Leads the Irish Far Right?
The Irish far right have always been miniscule, their growth constantly checked through the disciplined actions of Socialist Republicans and other militant Anti Fascists. Any attempt by fascists to orgainse on the streets has always been tackled head on and nipped in the bud. This must continue to be the case. No Platform, No Pasaran. […]
Reclaiming Volunteer Sean Russell
“I am not a Nazi. I am not even pro-German. I am an Irishman fighting for the independence of Ireland. The British have been our enemies for hundreds of years. They are the enemy of Germany today. If it suits Germany to give us help to achieve independence, I am willing to accept it, but […]
ISR Radio 4/8/2019
Following a short summer break, ISR Radio is back broadcasting on a weekly basis. On today’s programme we discuss: *#OurMandate #OurRepublic Campaign *Bringittotheirdoors *French Political Prisoner on Hungerstrike *Upcoming Events against Internment
Roger Casement Speech From the Dock 1916
Roger Casement’s defiant speech from the dock in 1916 is required reading for all Socialist Republicans. Casement was the last leader of the 1916 executed by British Imperialism on August 3, 1916. My Lord Chief Justice, as I wish to reach a much wider audience than I see before me here, I intend to read […]
Throughout the current phase of our National Liberation struggle, that can be roughly stated to have started 50 years ago in 1969, a constant, key and principled objective of the Republican Movement is to effect a British Withdrawal from Ireland, to allow the Irish People Rebuild the All Ireland Socialist Republic. This objective has often […]
Reject the Unionist Veto- Resist the British Occupation- Rebuild the Republic!
The following is an exclusive exposé by Anti Imperialist Action Ireland, highlighting the links between Free State politicians, Imperialist proxies and the plan for Regime change in Iran With the Middle East still wracked with war, terrorism, sanctions, refugee and environmental crisis, American generals and CIA directors, Neo-conservative schemers, Saudi officials, Syrian “rebels” – and […]
A Macradh- ISR Youth member outlines how the 1981 Hungerstrike remains a key inspiration for a new generation The 1981 hunger strikers have left a massive legacy behind them and not only a massive legacy with their names being known all around the world but a powerful message which i think inspires young republicans such […]
‘A Socialist Republic’
A Socialist Republic A Socialist Republic,Would free all those who toil from birth,The poor and the downtrodden,The wretched of the earth,Raise them from on bended knee,Beneath the Starry Plough,The Freedom of the Working Class,Is what we fight for now. A Socialist Republic,Would end our age old fight,For National Liberation and Socialism,Against Imperialism’s might,Rebuilding for the […]