Throughout the current phase of our National Liberation struggle, that can be roughly stated to have started 50 years ago in 1969, a constant, key and principled objective of the Republican Movement is to effect a British Withdrawal from Ireland, to allow the Irish People Rebuild the All Ireland Socialist Republic. This objective has often […]
Author: admin
Reject the Unionist Veto- Resist the British Occupation- Rebuild the Republic!
The following is an exclusive exposé by Anti Imperialist Action Ireland, highlighting the links between Free State politicians, Imperialist proxies and the plan for Regime change in Iran With the Middle East still wracked with war, terrorism, sanctions, refugee and environmental crisis, American generals and CIA directors, Neo-conservative schemers, Saudi officials, Syrian “rebels” – and […]
A Macradh- ISR Youth member outlines how the 1981 Hungerstrike remains a key inspiration for a new generation The 1981 hunger strikers have left a massive legacy behind them and not only a massive legacy with their names being known all around the world but a powerful message which i think inspires young republicans such […]
‘A Socialist Republic’
A Socialist Republic A Socialist Republic,Would free all those who toil from birth,The poor and the downtrodden,The wretched of the earth,Raise them from on bended knee,Beneath the Starry Plough,The Freedom of the Working Class,Is what we fight for now. A Socialist Republic,Would end our age old fight,For National Liberation and Socialism,Against Imperialism’s might,Rebuilding for the […]
Irish Socialist Republicans have said that Wicklow County Council are acting as recruiting sergeants for the British War Machine, by repeatedly inviting sections of the British Air Force to participate in the Bray Air Display. Speaking in Bray, a Spokesperson for the group said “In recent years, despite the protests of local residents, Wicklow County […]
OurMandate #OurRepublic! The #Our Mandate #Our Republic campaign is a popular People’s campaign to rebuild the All Ireland Socialist Republic, Proclaimed in Arms in 1916 and democratically established in 1919. The campaign is growing across Ireland and aims to rebuild our People’s Republic from the bottom up, through the development of alternative working class power […]
Le Domhnall Mac Giolla Easpuig Sa nuacht cloisimid faoin Acht na Gaeilge sa Tuaisceart. Tá Sinn Féin, Páirtí Comhghuaillíochta (Alliance Party) agus páirtithe eile ag lórg reachtaíocht teanga sna Sé Chontae chun cearta lucht na Gaeilge a chosaint, agus an teanga a neartú. Ar an taobh eile tá na hAontachtóirí, UUP, TUV, DUP srl, […]
Bodenstown 2019
Interview with an ISR Housing Activist
Irish Socialist Republicans argue that the housing and homelessness crisis in Ireland is a deliberate act of policy by the Garrison Class in Ireland to drive up super profits for the parasitic landlords and Imperialist vultures that “own” the private housing stock in Ireland. Today, in the third of our new series of Interviews with […]
The following is part 3 of a series of personal opinion pieces by Irish Socialist Republican Seán Doyle, discussion the need for revolutionaries to break with electoralism and reformism, and try new approaches to rebuild the All- Ireland Socialist Republic. I have chosen construction terms as a fitting example to explain my view of the […]
Brave Billy McKee

A tribute to Volunteer Billy McKee, written by an Irish socialist Republican, on hearing of death 12/6/19 Brave Billy McKee, the guerrilla leader, is now gone, But for the cause that he served, the struggle goes on, The fight must continue, until we are free, That’s the sole tribute fitting for Billy McKee. Let his […]
Irish Socialist Republicans believe that a central plank of what James Connolly termed the Reconquest of Ireland, of the struggle for National Liberation and Socialism, is the Reconquest of the Irish Language. Continuing our series of Interviews to highlight the depth of mass work and community organising and activism Irish Socialist Republicans are involved in, […]

The following is a two part personal opinion piece by Irish Socialist Republican, Seán Doyle, on the roll of electoralism in revolutionary struggle. The first piece was written on polling day 2019, while the second was written following the declaration of the election results. Part 1- 24/05/2019. I’m not going to mention the escalating depravity […]