Author: isrmedia
We declare in the words of the Irish Republican Proclamation the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be indefeasible, and in the language of our first President, Pádraig Mac Phiarais, we declare that the Nation’s sovereignty extends not only to all […]
Proclamation of the Irish Republic, 1916
POBLACHT NA H EIREANN, THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF THE IRISH REPUBLIC TO THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND IRISHMEN AND IRISHWOMEN: In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag and strikes for her freedom. Having organised and trained […]
The Fenian Proclamation, 1867
The Irish People of the World We have suffered centuries of outrage, enforced poverty, and bitter misery. Our rights and liberties have been trampled on by an alien aristocracy, who treating us as foes, usurped our lands, and drew away from our unfortunate country all material riches. The real owners of the soil were removed […]
Facebook Censor Socialist Republican Youth
In an act of coordinated censorship, Facebook have censored the page of Macradh- ISR Youth banning its admins and unpublishing the Revolutionary Youth Movement’s page. Macradh- ISR Youth we’re established at Easter 2019 and since then have played a leading role organising the Revolutionary Youth to play a role in the struggle for National Liberation […]

The following opinion piece has been submitted by a supporter of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland, to mark the anniversary of the Election of Volunteer Bobby Sands to the as yet unconstituted Revolutionary 3rd All Ireland Dáil in 1981. We publish it in the hope of generating debate among the Republican Base. On April 9 1981, […]
Macrete- Stop Exploiting Workers

Workers at Macrete Ireland Ltd in Toombridge County Antrim have contacted AIA to request our assistance highlight the exploitative actions of the company. Macrete, owned by the Hogg Family, has refused to furlough its workers, claiming it is involved in essential work and has refused to supply PPE or implement 2m social distancing on site. […]
The Week in Struggle
Irish Socialist Republicans across Ireland have continued to agitate, educate and organise for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution. The following is a summary of activism in recent days: All Ireland Rent and Mortgage Strike! Irish Socialist Republicans have continued to take to the streets to raise the Popular demand for an All Ireland Rent and […]
“Civilize the mind and make savage the body”
(The following is an opinion piece by a member of the Starry Plough Martial Arts Club) There is no doubting that with the Corona virus pandemic of 2020 the state in the 26 counties will introduce and has introduced legislation that will be used in the future against political opponents and who the state deem […]