
Increased British Military Activity in Occupied Ireland

#OccupiedIreland #BritsOut In recent weeks, AIA has been highlighting low flying British army lynx helicopters in Derry to intimidate and harass the local community. Yesterday, RAF Typhoon Warplanes were used in a very similar low flying excessive over Republican communities in Antrim, South Down and East Tyrone. When complaints have been made the official response […]


The Social Contract and the System

An opinion piece by Munster Socialist Republican, Mike Edwards. It is taken for granted by the electorate that under the democratic system of National and Local governance on this island that those in power enter into a social contract with the people they are elected to represent, indeed various political leaders of the parties have […]


AIA Stands with the RHL and the Anne Devlin Camp!

The Revolutionary House League has been running the Anne Devlin Camp for homeless people for a number of weeks in the heart of the Liberties on School Street. A number of rough sleepers have taken refuge at the encampment, enjoying the safety and respect provided there. The camp has met with universal support from the […]


PoppyWatch Patrols- In the Spirit of Frank Ryan!

For the 6th consecutive year, this week Anti Imperialist Action will be launching the annual poppy watch patrols to keep the bloodstained imperialist poppy off our streets. The purpose of the patrols is to seek out pro imperialists selling the British Legion Poppy, challenge them and highlight their support and fundraising for British Imperialism. The […]


Cost of Living Resistance: Direct Action in Dublin

On Friday afternoon Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland and Óige Réabhlóideach took direct action against those causing the rise in energy prices, occupying the headquarters of Bord Gáis, taking the struggle to their doors. Bord Gáis have increased their energy prices for consumers several times this year. At the same time their profits have massively increased – […]


New All Ireland, Revolutionary Anti Imperialist Youth Movement Launched

Due to the significant growth in young people joining the ranks of the revolutionary movement it has been decided by a national conference of youth from across the country to establish a new anti-imperialist youth organisation: Óige Réabhlóideach – Anti Imperialist Youth. The young people of Ireland are sick and tired of empty promises and […]


Solidarity with the Lion’s Den Palestinian Resistance Group!

Socialist Republicans send solidarity and support to the Palestinian resistance who, in recent weeks have stepped up their campaign against the Zionist occupation. At the centre of this has been the Palestinian city of Nablus and a new group called the ‘Lion’s Den’, which emerged following the killing of Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, a prominent resistance fighter from […]


Armagh: Citizens Against Privatisation

AIA condemn the recent attempts to privitise refuse collection in Armagh. As well meaning as these attempts have been to resolve the issue involving binmen in Armagh, Craigavon and Banbridge Council the collecting of bins by private individuals will merely perpetuate the issue and will ultimately lead to the call for a privitised service such […]


Dublin: Socialist Republicans Take Action Against Zionist Collaborators

Today, Anti Imperialist Action in Dublin Occupied the entrance of the Jones Lang LaSalle office in Dublin, as well as picketing the building outside. JLL is an enormous real estate multinational, established in Britain, which has major investments in Occupied Palestine, as well as acting as landlord for Elbit Systems, the largest Zionist weapons producer. […]


RUC/Gardaí- Different Name, Same Master

MI5, the ‘internal’ arm of the British secret service, control policing across all 32 Counties of Ireland, running both the RUC and the Gardaí. While MI5’s control of the RUC is obvious, it’s control over the Gardaí is less accepted. However, the facts speak for themselves. The head of the Free State police is Drew […]


Free State Deepening Links With NATO

On July 25th of this year, members of the Free State military police took part in a NATO led training operation in Valencia, Spain. Named Angel Guardian, this operation brought together troops from various NATO member states, such as Germany, Canada and Bulgaria [1]. This war exercise once again exposes the sham of “Irish neutrality”, […]


Defeat Imperialism- Save Waterford!

Want to improve the Waterford Economy? Drive Out Imperialism! In March of this year Socialist Republican activists staged a protest in Waterford to counter the Royal Visit of Charles Windsor to Waterford. Charles holds many titles such as Commander of the British Army Parachute Regiment, who massacred 14 people on the streets of Derry on […]


Liam Lynch, Chief of Staff Irish Republican Army, remembered in the Knockmealdown Mountains

Yesterday in the Knockmealdown Mountains at the site of the monument to Liam Lynch, Munster members of Anti-Imperialist Action joined others in commemorating a fallen hero, Liam Lynch then chief of staff of the IRA was shot and fatally wounded by counter revolutionary forces armed and resourced by the imperialist British regime. The orator Tomas […]


Máirtín Ó Cadhain

Bhí dealbh curtha de Mháirtín Ó Cadhain ina áit dúchais, Spidéal, Contae na Gaillimhe ar an Satharn seo chaite. Is maith an rud go bhfuil dealbh curtha anseo don fhear a throid go paiseanta ar son na Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachta. Is minic a chloistear ar shaothair litríochta Ó Cadhain amháin. Déantar seo d’aon ghnó. […]