
Howth 2022: Oration By Independent Republican CƔit Trainor

On a sunny Sunday in July 1914, the little fishing port at Howth, north of Dublin city, saw one of the most dramatic events in early 20th century Irish history; the Howth gun running, in which over a thousand rifles were openly imported to arm the Irish Volunteers and defend the Irish nation. This gunrunning […]


NƔ dƩan gairm beatha de

As has happened in recent years, Britainā€™s hated colonial police force in Occupied Ireland advertised in this yearā€™s All Ireland Final match programme. The advertisment shamefully included a tokenistic co-opting of our national language, An Ghaeilge, which stated ā€œDĆ©an gairm beatha deā€ which means make a career out of it. What exactly are they referring […]



Today the counter revolution continues to be an obstacle to the establishment of an Irish Republic, based on the ideals and aspirations of those who fought against the occupation of Ireland by the imperialist colonial British Empire. Their insistenceĀ  that we now live in a Republic is a revisionist propogandist lie intent on hiding the […]


Waterford Stands By the Republic

100 years ago today Free State Forces began the siege of Waterford City as part of their planned general offensive to take Munster from The Republic. After taking positions on Mount Misery over Ferrybank the Free State Army, with 700 troops, one artillery piece and four armoured cars, began to open fire across the river […]


HateFest 1998: A Short Comment From Someone Who Was There

Hate fest is upon us. The annual triumphalist sectarian display of hate, racism and intolerance is once again to be forced upon communities in the occupied 6 counties of Ulster, this annual event of coat trailing and hate filled songs and banners is the show piece of an organisation which continues to believe that it […]


23 years on from the Provisional IRA Statement, Easter 1999

On the 31st March 1999 the then Leadership of the Irish Republican Movement issued a statement to coincide with the Remembrance of the 1916 Easter Rising when an Irish Republic free from the imperialist domination of was declared, the 1916 Proclamation was unequivocal and forthright its wording and intent. This statement on behalf of the […]


Bodenstown 2022: Speech by Peter A. Rogers

The historian, author and Independent Republican Activist, Peter A. Rogers was a guest speaker at the recent Bodenstown commemoration, speaking on behalf of the Spirit of Irish Freedom Society, Westmeath. Peter gave an insightful oration, outlining the importance of Bodenstown to Revolutionary Irish Republicans and also highlighted some of the key speakers at the event […]


Freedom the Wolfe Tone Way

Wolfe Tone was executed in 1798 for the heroic and ground-breaking role he played in the struggle for Irish freedom. He may perhaps appear a remote character, irrelevant to the Ireland of today, but in fact his vision burns bright with relevance and clarity, and those who wish to see a free and united Ireland […]


Revolutionary Republicans Commemorate Wolfe Tone

On Sunday July 3, Revolutionary Socialist Republicans from across Ireland, gathered at Bodenstown Churchyard, to honour the father of Irish Republicanism, Theobald Wolfe Tone. Led by the Socialist Republican Colour Party, consisting of 4 women and 3 men, the large crowd assembled at the corner of the Road into Sallins, and made their way to […]


Internment by remand and ā€œlicence revocation”

Once again as before in the cases of other socialist republicans, the imperialist regime so beloved of the counter revolutionary has targeted a political and community activist for having the audacity to resist, speaking out espousing any form of opposition to the regime is punished by incarceration. Jason Ceulemans has been taken from his home […]


The IRA Bodenstown commemoration of 1922′

Today 100 years ago Rory Ɠ Connor and Liam Mellows led a Republican military contingent from their Republican base in the Four Courts, Dublin to the plains of Kildare and to Bodenstown Churchyard where the father of Irish Republicanism Wolfe Tone is buried. Joining them were old and new comrades and friends who pledged to […]


James Connolly House: A Strike Against Free State Counter Revolution

Last week the Free State suffered an historic blow. Acting on behalf of the Salvation Army, a British cult well-known for its reactionary views, corruption and greed, eighty GardaĆ­, many of whom were armed, raided James Connolly House on Eden Quay and brought the residents to a holding cell on Store Street before dragging them […]


Building the Housing Resistance

On May 1st, members of the Revolutionary Workers Union, supported by other Socialist Republican Organisations, took control of a long-term vacant building in Dublin City Centre and opened it to provide housing for those in need. This Revolutionary Housing Action, the first major direct action since the ending of the covid-19 pandemic, was carried out […]


Strong Will Shall Keep Spreading

Strong Will Shall Keep Spreading On 28th May 2022, after over 20 years in prison, Fusako Shigenobu has been released. Emerging from the Tokyo jail where she had been incarcerated to be draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh, Fusako was greeted by her daughter May, and a large crowd of supporters. Although Fusako and those she […]