
Break the Connection with England!

As western imperialism led by British and US Imperialism moves to sanction Russia for recognising the separatist Republics in the Donbas, the irony of British Imperialism pontificating about ‘illegal Occupations’ of Sovereign Nations can not be lost on many. For more then 850 years, British Imperialism and principally English Imperialism has maintained an illegal occupation […]


Brexit, Imperialism and Ireland

Britain leaving the European Union has once again brought to the fore the issue of the British border in Ireland, partition and the Irish sovereignty.  According to Lenin the most essential thing in Marxism “the living soul of Marxism, is the concrete analysis of concrete conditions”  This article will look at the concrete conditions in Ireland and attempt to give a concrete analysis.  […]


Updates- PIIO: Collusion is no illusion 2022

***Update*** One of the first actions of the new British Secretary of State for “Northern Ireland” Shailesh Vera has been to sign off on a public immunity order before the inquest into the death of Noah Donohoe. KRW Law who are representing the Donohue family have stated it is very unusual and the political decision by […]


Turkish Political Prisoners held in Greece, Supported in Dublin

On Friday February 4 Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland was proud to attend a picket and public meeting in Dublin in support of the eleven Turkish political prisoners sentenced to a collective 333 years in Greek prison following a complete farce of a trial, charged with gun ownership and membership of an illegal organisation. Political activists from […]


Republicans March for 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Derry

On Sunday January 30 AIA was part of a large Revolutionary Republican Bloc on the 50th Anniversary Bloody Sunday March in Derry. Bloody Sunday was a war crime sanctioned at the highest level of the British Government and Carried out by Britain’s parachute regiment. The Revolutionary Republican bloc was led by a banner that read […]


Wicklow Marks 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday

Over the past week Activists from Anti Imperialist Action have been erecting posters around Co. Wicklow to mark the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday 1972. On January 30th, 1972 the British Army’s elite butchers 1 Para’ murdered 14 people in the Bogside.13 anti internment marchers were shot dead on the day. Along with the Bloody […]


Imperialists Driving Ireland Towards War

As Western imperialist hysteria reaches fever pitch about the situation in Ukraine, with terrifying tales of imminent Russian invasion, there has been a concerted effort in the Free State towards full integration into the European and American military forces. As Republicans, we know that Free State neutrality has almost always been a fiction; the Free […]


Edith Lagos, Guerrilla Poet

This article is translated into English from an article published on Tjen Folket Media on 23/1/2022, which was translated from an article that was published by Periódico Mural on 27.11.2021 Edith Lagos Saénz was born on November 27, 1962 and was buried after her short and intense 19 years, on September 3, 1982, at the start […]


AIA take part in Free Ahmad Sa’adat Solidarity Week Across Ireland

As part of the annual week of international events to demand freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat organised by Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland organised a number of Solidarity events across the country. Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation Of Palestine and a leader of the […]


The Soloheadbeg Ambush

A young Socialist Republican considers the importance of the Soloheadbeg Ambush on its 103 anniversary The Soloheadbeg Ambush  What happened ?  On January 21st, 1919 for the 6th day in a row volunteers of the Third Tipperary brigade IRA led by Seamus Robinson, awaited an RIC consignment of gelignite that was due to pass Soloheadbeg with the plan been to […]


Education: Women in Ireland- Republican Lecture Series No.8 (1984)

This short pamphlet, originally published as part of an internal Sinn Féin education series called Republican Lectures in 1984, is an excellent explanation of the basis of women’s oppression in Ireland and the relationship between the Women’s and Republican Movements from a Socialist Republican perspective. WOMEN IN IRELAND REPUBLICAN LECTURE SERIES NO.8 1984   THIS […]


Socialist Republican Solidarity with the League of Poor Peasants Brazil and the Agrarian Revolution

In recent weeks Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has been leading a campaign of solidarity highlighting the revolutionary work of the League of Poor Peasants in Brazil the organisation leading the Agrarian Revolution and organising the Peasants to take back their land. The League of Poor Peasants arose following the Battle of Santa Elina on August […]


Anti Imperialist Day of Action in Waterford

On Saturday January 15, comrades from AIA Waterford and other AIA comrades from elsewhere in the country converged on Waterford City for a day of action. The day started started with leafleting and a vigil in Red Square in support of Palestinian Political prisoner and General Secretary for the Popular Front for the Liberation Of […]


In memory of Menandro “Ka Bok” Villanueva

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends its sombre condolences to the family, comrades, and friends of Menandro “Ka Bok” Villanueva, the national Commander of the heroic New People’s Army. We understand that his passing must be a devastating and terrible loss for all of our Filipino comrades in the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s […]